Best 4 quotes of Angeline Trevena on MyQuotes

Angeline Trevena

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    Angeline Trevena

    Because some people see a wall, and assume that's the end of their journey. Others see it, and decide it's just the beginning.

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    Angeline Trevena

    If I have to face the end of human existence, I want to look totally smoking when it happens. Now shut the hell up.

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    Angeline Trevena

    Through my fiction, I seek to highlight the social and cultural rules that we accept without question. Sometimes, without even noticing. Fiction offers a unique platform to do this, with dystopia at the fore. By exaggerating these ingrained rules, or by reversing them entirely, we can start to examine them. And question them. And challenge those that are harmful.

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    Angeline Trevena

    Your first draft is a petulant teenager, sure it knows best, adamant that its Mother is wrong. Your third draft has emerged from puberty, realising that its Mother was right about everything.