By AnonymMother Teresa
A beautiful death is for people who have lived like animals to die like angels.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Abortion is murder in the womb...A child is a gift of God. If you do not want him, give him to me.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother. Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A Christian is the dwelling place of the living God. He created me, he chose me, He came to dwell in me, because he wanted me. Now that you have known how much God is in love with you it is but natural that you spend the rest of your life radiating that love.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A clean heart can see God, can speak to God, and can see the love of God in others.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A clean heart is a free heart. A free heart can love Christ with an undivided love in chastity, convinced that nothing and nobody will separate it from his love. Purity, chastity, and virginity created a special beauty in Mary that attracted God's attention. He showed his great love for the world by giving Jesus to her.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A family that prays together stays together. As we are united at this moment, let us join also the prayer of all and everyone. What you can do I cannot do. And what I can do you cannot do. But all of us together are doing something beautiful for God.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A joyful heart is like the sunshine of God's love, the hope of eternal happiness.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A joyful heart is the normal result of a heart burning with love. She gives most who gives with joy.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
All of us must be saints in this world. Holiness is a duty for you and me. So let's be saints and so give glory to the Father.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
All that we need to know all the wisdom of the cosmos we will find in our own heart
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By AnonymMother Teresa
All we do our prayers our work our suffering is for Jesus. Our life has no other reason or motivation.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
All works of love are works of peace.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Am I ever angry or frustrated? I only feel angry sometimes when I see waste, when things that we waste are what people need, things that would save them from dying. Frustrated? No, never.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
And if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?
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By AnonymMother Teresa
And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Anybody who helps the poor is delighted.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Anybody who helps the poor is delighted. So naturally, they (critics) are not very happy with us.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Any country that accepts abortion is the poorest of the poor
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Any work of love brings a person face to face with God.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in his love than in your weakness.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
As each Sister is to become a Co-Worker of Christ in the slums, each ought to understand what God and the Missionaries of Charity expect from her. Let Christ radiate and live his life in her and through her in the slums. Let the poor, seeing her, be drawn to Christ and invite him to enter their homes and their lives. Let the sick and suffering find in her a real angel of comfort and consolation. Let the little ones of the streets cling to her because she reminds them of him, the friend of the little ones.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
As far as I am concerned, the greatest suffering is to feel alone, unwanted, unloved. The greatest suffering is also having no one, forgetting what an intimate, truly human relationship is, not knowing what it means to be loved, not having a family or friends.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great, that I look and do not see, — Listen and do not hear — the tongue moves but does not speak … I want you to pray for me — that I let Him have free hand.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst...'Repen t and believe' Jesus tells us. What are we to repent? Our indifference, our hardness of heart. What are we to believe? Jesus thirsts even now, in your heart and in the poor -- He knows your weakness. He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
A smile is the beginning of peace.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
At the heart of silence is prayer. At the heart of prayer is faith. At the heart of faith is life. At the heart of life is service.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
At the hour of death when we all come face to face with God we are going to be judged on love: how much we have loved, not how much we have done but how much love we have put in our action.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
At the moment of death we will not be judged according to the number of good deeds we have done or by the diplomas we have received in our lifetime. We will be judged according to the love we have put into our work.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Because I cannot rely on myself, I rely on Him, twenty-four hours a day.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be faithful in little things, for in them your strength lies. To the good God nothing is little, because He is so great and we are so small.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be faithful in the little things.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be faithful to the time spent in prayer and make sure that at least half of your prayer is spent in silence. This will bring you closer to Jesus. If you deepen your prayer life you will grow in holiness and obtain many graces for the souls entrusted to your care. Deepen your love for one another by praying for each other and by sharing thoughts and graces you have received in prayer and reading.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Behold , I have graven you upon the palm of my hand, that is what Jesus came on earth to do: to proclaim, to give us the Good News that God loves us, that we are precious to Him.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be humble and you will never be disturbed. It is very difficult in practice because we all want to see the result of our work. Leave it to Jesus.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be humble like Mary so that you can be holy like Jesus
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be kind to each other. It is better to commit faults with gentleness than to work miracles with unkindness.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be not afraid. God loves you & wants us to love one another as He loves us. As miserable, weak and sinful as we are, He loves us with an infinitely faithful love.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your eyes, kindness in your face, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greetings. We are all but His instruments who do our little bit and pass by. I believe that the way in which an act of kindness is done is as important as the action itself.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Bring love into your home, for this is where our love for each other must start
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By AnonymMother Teresa
Brothers, Fathers and Sisters - all of us in the Missionaries of Charity are doing the same. All of us have been created by God to love and to be loved. We are involved in this work. When you do that, there is joy, unity and love.