Best 9 quotes of Danielle Doby on MyQuotes

Danielle Doby

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    Danielle Doby

    do not fast forward into something you’re not ready for or allow yourself to shrink back into what’s comfortable growth lives in the uneasiness the in-between the unfinished sentence you are a season of becoming

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    Danielle Doby

    i find myself moving in daydreams

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    Danielle Doby

    i know what it means to have a heart that would drown itself for others before the need to surface for air

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    Danielle Doby

    i reach for the glass open my mouth and try to drown their memory from the inside out

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    Danielle Doby

    it took me a long time to create an earth that would hold me for all that i am

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    Danielle Doby

    my hope for you is that you greet your reflection with kind eyes. that you never look to someone else for your belonging. always moving from a space of worthiness, longing for nothing of addition or subtraction.

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    Danielle Doby

    sometimes it's years later you're standing there when your jaw softens and you realize you're no longer the same as when you first walked in

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    Danielle Doby

    The place where you reach for the future just as you shed yourself of the past.

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    Danielle Doby

    two feet in this year i choose to burn my good candles on a Tuesday at noon just because i choose to use the expensive lotion the one i keep tucked safe up on the counter not ration any of my most cherished belongings because i am worth investing in ---right now this year I choose to wear that thing you know the one I told myself I would slip on when I looked a certain way? I choose to love my body this vessel I have been given and her seasons as they shift this year I give myself permission to change and keep changing for I understand there is an underlying truth when it comes to becoming- it doesn't have to mirror anyone else this year I choose to let go really let go of the heavy of the half-hearted no more forcing connection where it no longer lives I choose to nourish what's willing to grow this year I choose to be grateful for the teachings of my yesterday I honor my wholeness when I honor my whole self- even the shaky parts this year I choose to step forward clear eyes heart open two feet grounded palms wide to the all-is-possible unknown and new