Best 3 quotes of Shewanda Pugh on MyQuotes

Shewanda Pugh

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    Shewanda Pugh

    He had a smile like a hug, a kiss like a blush, and a touch like a blessing. He didn't see a whore when he looked at her. He saw Lizzie. Just Lizzie.

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    Shewanda Pugh

    Lizzie had no answer for how a whore could quiver from the caress of a man, or find tears at words that were sweet. After all, hadn't she been told she was beautiful before? Perfect? Worthy of worship? She hadn't.

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    Shewanda Pugh

    She had come to him the fool, thinking herself the experienced one. After all, she had nothing to give that another hadn't had, nothing so far as she knew. But he'd taken what hadn't been there; what was his; what was promised.