Best 5 quotes of Caesar J. B. Squitti on MyQuotes

Caesar J. B. Squitti

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    Caesar J. B. Squitti

    Human half-truth logic, dates back to Adam and Eve, when he tried to deceive God with a truth, 'we knew we were naked so we hid', leaving God to understand that something was wrong with Adam's logic, because if Adam knew THE TRUTH, he would know that you can't hide from God.

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    Caesar J. B. Squitti

    Political truths are like colors in the rainbow, they may be true, except like the color purple which is created in the mind, however they are not THE WHOLE TRUTH, which is like LIGHT, colorless and yet all colors, seen and unseen.

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    Caesar J. B. Squitti

    The Truth is different than human truths; they are like LIGHT. Truths are like a color, absolute and true, while THE TRUTH is all colors and still colorless; the duality of Truth.

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    Caesar J. B. Squitti

    The truth, 'stop violence against women' is a truth that is flawed, because it ignores the many forms of abuses of women, and then totally ignores men, children and the unborn. Why the unborn ? Well today, more and more unborn women of tomorrow are having their heart-beats terminated today, because they are female.

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    Caesar J. B. Squitti

    Truth is like a double edged sword. Truth, as in the colors of the rainbow, are truths, not to be confused with THE TRUTH, which is like LIGHT, all colors and no single color. The Truth is like a tree, with all its fruit, while truths are like the fruit on the tree, part of the whole; parts of The Truth, half-truths. Truth can be true, yet it can also lie. So the question is does truth lead to THE TRUTH, or do truths lead us to a lie ? To see the difference is the key to the gates of Eden.