Best 4 quotes of Himanjali Singh on MyQuotes

Himanjali Singh

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    Himanjali Singh

    I stopped by the mirror by the window of my room the shadows from within asked ' why did they leave? ' such a lovely sparkling soul, a girl so naive but funny why did they 'have' to leave ? what would have 'made' them leave ?.. I looked deep and deeper through bones and flesh and uncovered one by one the layers of my low self esteem, of no confidence, of pain and hurt unsaid unheard and sighed.. and within that moment of sheer nakedness it dawned upon me how could they ever have stayed?.. for down the porch.. out in the garden.. for times ago.. our souls had never played together as children how could they have stayed I smiled, for I had to find my way to you, I had to come home, to the girl so naive but funny

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    Himanjali Singh

    There are many fishes in the sea and then there are a few beautiful swishy mermaids. Me?! No, I'm not the fish not even the mermaid, I don't belong to the sea. I am the Ocean! At a horizon far far away I'm a whirlpool of a storm rising and chasing, twirling and dancing to my own tunes and at another all calm serene still and silent, I am the ocean! limitless boundless infinite and as beautiful as I may seem from the outside, I have life within!

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    Himanjali Singh

    There are many fishes in the sea and then there are a few beautiful swishy mermaids. Me?! No I'm not the fish not even the mermaid, I don't belong to the sea. I am the Ocean! At a horizon far far away I'm a whirlpool of storm rising and chasing, twirling and dancing to my own tunes and at another all calm serene still and silent, I am the ocean! limitless boundless infinite and as beautiful as I may seem from the outside, I have life within!

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    Himanjali Singh

    There are many fishes in the sea and then there are the beautiful swishy mermaids. Me?! No I'm not the fish not even the mermaid, I dont belong to the sea. I am the Ocean! At a horizon far far away I'm a whirlpool of storm rising and chasing, twirling and dancing to my own tunes and at another all calm serene still and silent, I am the ocean! limitless boundless infinite and as beautiful as I may seem from the outside, I have life within!