Best 4 quotes of Laurie Cass on MyQuotes

Laurie Cass

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    Laurie Cass

    It meant he was a cat and he'd do whatever he pleased, when he pleased, and if I didn't like it, that was just to bad.

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    Laurie Cass

    The Chilson District Library Bookmobile began its maiden voyage. Me, three thousand books, one hundred DVDs, a dozen jigsaw puzzles, two laptop computers-and one Eddie.

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    Laurie Cass

    The next morning, as I picked an Eddie hair off my pant leg, I again considered the possibility of cats controlling the world. "It's possible," I muttered to myself as I dropped the hair into a wastebasket, "that they already do.

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    Laurie Cass

    The three months I'd spend with Eddie had taught me many things, and the top two items were (1) A Cat's Purr Makes Everything Okay and (2) The Cat Always Wins.