Best 5 quotes in «uber quotes» category

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    Happiness is a booty call: available and satisfying, but after a few hours, you’re ready to call an Uber and get back to your real commitments.

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    Der mond findet immer eine Gelegenheit, unsere aufmerksamkeit vom boden unter unseren füßen zum himmel über unserem kopf zu lenken!

    • uber quotes
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    My Uber driver in Sacramento was not like my San Franciso Uber from earlier that day at SFO. My SAC Uber driver’s first presdential election was JFK-Nixon (or Eisenhower in 1956) and he was already drawing a Social Security check. "Father Time" overshot my fixed location (twice) and then didn’t listen to the navigation instructions. This guy’s signature move (and totem animal) is a U-Turn, a mile past the original juncture.

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    In the end, every startup is different. But in the beginning every startup is the same.

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    About Jimi Hendrix - although his playing is at an uber-level, his voice is quite lo-fi and normal, like a regular person singing in the shower, and this makes his music much better than if he was just a technical player and singer.