Best 9 quotes in «beautiful soul quotes» category

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    I am no writer. Her sparkling eyes made my fingers write words in the sand, Her radiant smile made my pen write words in the air. Her beautiful soul made my typewriter type poems for eternity. I am no writer.

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    We have been tarnished by the views of generations, painted on with society's standards, but if we wipe away the dust, and polish the heart within, you will discover that the surface underneath is lustrous.

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    I don't want another pretty face I don't want just anyone to hold I don't want my love to go to waste I want you and your beautiful soul You're the one I wanna chase You're the one I wanna hold I won't let another minute go to waste I want you and your beautiful soul

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    When life gets dark, that's when stars appear among us. Shine bright, beautiful ones. Throw light from your burning hearts.

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    Beautiful things should belong to beautiful souls.

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    Beautiful thoughts, build a beautiful soul.

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    Develop an Interest in Life as you see it.

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    A gentle and a sweet, innocent soul can come from any place, any background. It is the nature of the soul and it cannot really change on the inside. A soul like this may come to believe the tauntings of the circumstances in life, and of the people who created those circumstances, with only memories of the true reflection of who it (the soul) really is. The downfall begins when a beautiful soul starts to believe that it is not beautiful.

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    Change the way of looking at things and your soul will get a beautiful shine.

    • beautiful soul quotes