Best 10 quotes in «jeopardy quotes» category

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    In the case of the Younger Dryas, the jeopardy that humanity faced was not from nuclear missiles but from the incoming fragments of a disintegrating giant comet, traveling at tens of kilometers per second, with the larger fragments as deadly as hundreds of nuclear warheads. Indeed, it is estimated that the total explosive power of the comet fragments that struck the earth in repeated episodes over a period of 21 years some 12,800 years ago would have been of the order of 10 million megatons--1,000 times greater than all the nuclear devices stockpiled in the world today.

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    The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30.

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    By background I'm both a Quaker and a Yorkshireman, which I like to call double jeopardy.

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    When the underlying structure of our freedom is in jeopardy, we do well to be concerned about our whistle-blowers, since blinking beacons are essential to secure a living together in a dependable social framework. (" High noon.")

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    Your vehicles are in breach of Pennsylvania state vehicle code and you are driving illegally without proper vehicle tags," the cop bawled. Before we could respond, he added: "Your vehicles will be impounded and crushed." We knew driving through Pennsylvania would be one of the toughest parts of our trip, but this isn't what we had in mind.

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    I turned into a workaholic to the point of where my health was in jeopardy.

    • jeopardy quotes
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    When I got off the soap I got offered all these, you know, 'women in jeopardy' -- I call them 'disease of the week' movies.

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    I love to watch 'Chopped,' 'Jeopardy,' and 'Breaking Bad.' You can't pass up that one. Oh! One other show I love to watch is 'Suburgatory.'

    • jeopardy quotes
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    Archaeology is a deeply conservative discipline and I have found that archaeologists, no matter where they are working, have a horror of questioning anything their predecessors and peers have already announced to be true. They run a very real risk of jeopardizing their careers if they do. In consequence they focus--perhaps to a large extent subconsciously--on evidence and arguments that don't upset the applecart. There might be room for some tinkering around the edges, some refinement of orthodox ideas, but God forbid that anything should be discovered that might seriously undermine the established paradigm.

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    Dave was a confirmed serotonin junkie. Any day of the year, he chose a good book, a hot cupper, and air-conditioning over jeopardy to life and limb.