Best 12 quotes in «most romantic quotes» category

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    George Lazenby is no one's favorite James Bond, but for me the anonymity at the center of this lavish production only serves to reveal the Bond machine firing on all cylinders: superb editing and photography, incredible score, great setpieces. The most romantic in the series, and it actually has, of all things, a tragic ending.

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    If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one.

    • most romantic quotes
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    I think to love somebody every day for a long period of time is the most romantic thing you can do.

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    I took a photo of us, mid-embrace. When I am old and alone I will remember that I once held something truly beautiful.

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    It's funny, people ask me, 'What would you consider the most romantic track on your record Mr Caine?' And I say 'Swollen' by Bent, and they say 'I think he's off his rocker!'

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    Okay, my life isn't that romantic! No one has ever sung to me or wrote a song about me. But, I have to say that it's pretty much the most romantic thing ever. So, if that were ever to really happen to me, I would be really happy about it.

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    I've just been to the Taj Mahal which I'd never been to and I'm not a very romantic kind of guy but it is the most romantic thing I've ever seen.

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    The most romantic thing a guy has ever done for me is starting a family. That's as romantic as it gets.

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    The most romantic region of every country is that where the mountains unite themselves with the plains or lowlands.

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    The more you love someone, he came to think, the harder it is to tell them. It surprised him that strangers didn't stop each other on the street to say I love you.

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    You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.

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    The single sculler, alone on the river at dawn, or spotlighted in his lane during a race, is th emost romantic, the most quixotic figure in all rowing.