Best 23 quotes in «fictional character quotes» category

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    But I assure you, a government that is willing to put their own children in danger, their own future, just to see their potential, is twisted. We do not grab babies, newborns, and throw them out of windows just to see if they sprout wings.

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    Exquisitely embroidered tapestries lined the walls of Medb’s bedroom, but their impact was somewhat reduced by the room’s ambience. A musky odor with pungent accents of stale piss.

    • fictional character quotes
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    I have a tendency to break rules and shake things up. I would say that with me people never know what is real and what is fiction. And I like that because reality is relative.

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    Angry people scared me. Angry people who thought I was in charge scared me even more.

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    I am Captain James Hook! I am no victim; I create them! I do not have bad dreams; I inspire them!

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    Fists of fools are not among those I fear.

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    Friendship is just love that has yet to sprout wings and take flight.

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    His suffering was no more real than he was.

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    Pure, perfect sorrow is as impossible as pure and perfect joy.

    • fictional character quotes
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    My last name is Poirot, like Agatha Christie's famous detective Hercule Poirot; no relation to the fictional character.

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    No matter how much restitution she paid with every word and deed, her blood-stained hands could never really be clean, even if no one else knew they were dirty.

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    Outside the snow piled up like insulation, and he took her hand. Her breath made little clouds that merged with the little clouds of his breath." (Visible Wounds)

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    She was so plain. Would it kill you to wear skirts more, he had said to her. Would it really hurt you? He was thinking of how he would like to see her when she was alone with him. He knew she could dress when she had to, but this was what he was saying. He was saying something about their private life. He was saying something about his needs as a man. He imagines America’s anger at this. It would be the women, mainly. Their eager faces had watched: Amelia boarding the plane for her first transatlantic flight; Amelia waving to the crowd in the ticker tape parade; Amelia leaving luncheons and concert halls. Some had been housewives and some, girls with dreams of loops and spins and dives, of hugging the curvature of the earth through a thin sheet of aluminum. -- After Amelia

    • fictional character quotes
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    The glory of doing something great is not what keeps me going. It’s the grief of leaving something necessary undone.

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    Someone once told there's nothing wrong with fairy tales everyone ends up happily ever after in the end.

    • fictional character quotes
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    The best boyfriends are the ones in books.

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    The characters tell their story - I am merely the tool used to record it

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    Living in that castle was like being condemned to Hell before I’d even had the opportunity to sin.

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    What's a horse doing on a spaceship" "What's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Mickey, get a little perspective!" Dr. Who "The Girl In The Fireplace

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    What good would learning be if we concentrated on what we already knew? It is only by learning those things that come to us with difficulty that we truly gain wisdom.

    • fictional character quotes
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    Why do we insist on being the carpenters of our own crosses?

    • fictional character quotes
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    I've never dated a fictional character before. The closest I ever came was an Italian.

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    I do like to embed a fictional character firmly in an occupation.