Best 8 quotes in «scandalous quotes» category

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    If you're nice, decent, attractive, get good grades and are talented, no one wants to read about that...They want to read what's out-of-the-ordinary, the scandalous, the shocking and the tragic. They want a story; they want to be captivated and what's typical does not give them that...unless, of course, that person ends up a victim, commits a crime or loses their minds via a love affair.

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    Now he knew there was so much more to her story and damn if he didn't want to read the whole book.

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    It is absolutely scandalous that the astronomical community are trying to build the world’s largest telescope atop the known biologically toxic very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea.

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    What would you do if you were a goddess, Cotswold?" Her maid, who had been pulling Eleanor's covers up the bed, stilled her motion. Her expression drew together, as though she were considering it. "I suppose I would find the most handsome man in the world and make him my... my..." She waved her hand to indicate the word she shouldn't be saying. "Cotswold!" Eleanor exclaimed, delightedly. "That sounds scandalous!" "Wouldn't it be what you did?" Eleanor shrugged. "I was thinking more along the lines of being able to have and read all the books I wanted to." Cotswold returned to her task. "Choosing a book over a handsome man." She shook her head, mock ruefully. "And here you were wanting to do something scandalous." The honest part was, it would be scandalous. If it were possible to not be a duke's daughter and be someone else, she would choose to work in a bookshop. Not one that sold the material it seemed Lord Alexander wanted to purchase; one with fairy tales and mythological books and any kind of literature where it was just as likely a dragon would drag you off somewhere as a viscount. "I just might," Eleanor said in a defiant tone, making her maid snort.

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    I don't want to open my mouth or speak anymore, because everything I say becomes scandalous. It wears you out.

    • scandalous quotes
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    There never was a scandalous tale without some foundation.

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    Went to church but don't understand it, they underhanded. God gave me these commandments, the world is scandalous.

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    At the conclusion of the vows, despite Mercedes’s previous stern admonitions that the groom was not to kiss the bride, as the custom was never followed by people in the best society…Matthew tugged Daisy up to him and crushed a hard kiss on her lips in full view of everyone. There was a gasp or two, and a ripple of friendly laughter through the crowd. Daisy glanced up into her husband’s sparkling eyes. “You’re being scandalous, Mr. Swift,” she whispered. “This is nothing,” Matthew replied in an undertone, his expression soft with love. “I’m saving my worst behavior for tonight.

    • scandalous quotes