Best 3 quotes in «opinion of others quotes» category

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    A tin of milk is not the same as a milk tin. You are not always the same as others perceive you. The label of a tin of milk is not all that important as compared to the milk in the tin. So many people label others as if the ‘true milk’ in them is equal to the label. We must not always equate the outward man to the inner man. Guard your milk! The only way people can destroy your milk is their ability to punch a hole in ‘the tin’ and after they have done that, they can have reasons to speak about how ‘expired your milk is’. Dare to preserve your milk, no matter how people label you! Keep doing what you need to do as a living sacrifice to the Sovereign Lord God, and one day, they that label you wrongly shall come to a realization how they have their own labels. Stay focused! Move with the right reasons! Two people were asked to go and pick a tin of milk without first touching it. The first tin was well labeled, but without any liquid in it. The second was without a label, but with milk in it. When the two men got to where the tins were, one was quick to pick the one with the label, leaving the other for his friend. Then they came to him who sent them and he asked them, ‘I asked you to go for a tin of milk, where is it?’ the one who took the tin without the milk was quick to stretch his hand, but their sender said to him, ‘a tin of milk is not just a tin labeled a tin of milk, but a tin with milk’.

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    There is no need, in order to explain three-quarters of the opinions held about people, to go so far as a love that has been spurned or an exclusion from political power. Our judgment remains unsure: an invitation refused or received determines it.

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    If you are shaped by the opinions of others, you will never rise above the limits they set for you.