Best 47 quotes in «six of crows quotes» category

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    And what god do you serve, then?” “Whichever will grant me good fortune.” “I don’t think gods work that way.” “I don’t think I care.

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    And what did you do, Matthias? What did you do to me in you dreams?” “Everything,” he said, as he turned to go, “Everything.

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    I’m a very valuable investment.” “Tell me he didn’t say that.” “Of course he did. Well, not the valuable part.” “Idiot.” “How’s Matthias?” “Also an idiot.

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    A secret's not like a coin. It doesn't keep it's value in the spending

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    Farvell,” she said in Fjerdan. “May Djel watch over you until I can once more.

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    He had become a great beast, and yet that beast would devour him

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    He looked down at his boots. "That berth belongs to you too. It will always be there when―if you want to come back." Inej could not speak. Her heart felt too full, a dry creek bed ill-prepared for such rain. "I don't know what to say.

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    Her silks were feathers, and she was free.

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    He was quiet for a moment, and then he said, “Do you understand a little better now? What it’s like to face a power so alien? To face an enemy with such unnatural strength?

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    Close your eyes!" "You can't kiss me from down there, Wylan." "Just do it!

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    He'd known even then, though: He'd start as a grunt, but the Dregs would become his army.

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    He made himself refocus on Inej's feet. "Saints," he said. Inej grimaced. "That bad?" "No, you just have really ugly feet." "Ugly feet that got you on this roof.

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    Her heart felt too full, a dry creek bed ill-prepared for such rain.

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    I would have come for you. And if I could't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together - knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.

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    Inej turned to go. Kaz seized her hand, keeping it on the railing. He didn't look at her. "Stay", he said, his voice rough stone. "Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me." She looked down at his gloved hand clutching hers. Everything in her wanted to say yes, but she would not settle for so little, not after all she'd been through. "What would be the point?" He took a breath. "I want you to stay. I want you to... I want you". "You want me." She turned the words over. Gently, she squeezed his hand. "And how will you have me, Kaz?" He looked at her then, eyes fierce, mouth set. It was the face he wore when he was fighting. "How will you have me?" she repeated. "Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch?" He released her hand, his shoulders bunching, his gaze angry and ashamed as he turned his face to the sea.

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    I need to see Jakob Hertzoon." "Who?" Kaz felt like he was about to climb out of his skin. He pointed through the window. "Jakob fucking Hertzoon. I want to talk to him.

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    It was a calculated risk.” “It was cross-your-fingers-and-hope-for-the-best. Believe me, I know the difference.

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    It’s a law of systems,” Wylan murmured. “You build in safeguards for failures, but something in the safeguards ends up causing an unforeseen failure.

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    It's where they keep the most dangerous criminals. Assassins, terrorists—" "Grisha?" Nina asked. "Exactly," he replied grimly. "You guys are going to make this really fun, aren't you?" asked Jesper. "Usually people don't start hating each other until a week into the job, but you two have a head start.

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    Jes, I've thought about this-" "Thought of me? Late at night? What was I wearing?" "I've thought about your powers," Wylan said, cheeks flushing pinker.

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    Jesper knocked his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. “Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.” Brekker’s lips quirked. “I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.” “My ghost won’t associate with your ghost,” Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.

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    Let's let the Ice Court know the Dregs have come to call.

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    Little red bird. Don't go.

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    Matthias joined them at the table. "The Shu woman we faced was stronger than me, Jesper, and Wylan put together." "You hear right," said Jesper. "Stronger than Wylan.

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    Matthias joined them at the table. "The Shu woman we faced was stronger than me, Jesper, and Wylan put together." "You heard right," said Jesper. "Stronger than Wylan.

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    Matthias locked the cell door and hurried down the passage toward Nina, toward something more.

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    Maybe your stay in Hellgate was too short, Matthias. There's always more to lose.

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    No one got the better of Kaz. He was the toughest, scariest thing walking the alleys of the Barrel.

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    Nina screamed, a howl that tore from the black space where her heart had beat only moments before. She searched for his pulse, for the light and force that had been Matthias.

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    No, little brother. No one is stronger. You've cheated death too many times. Greed may do your bidding, but death serves no man.

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    Our hopes rest with you, Mister Brekker. If you fail, all the world will suffer for it." "Oh, it's worse than that, Van Eck. If I fail, I don't get paid.

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    Pull your shirt up over your mouth,” he told Wylan. “What?” “Stop being dense. You’re cuter when you’re smart.” Wylan’s cheeks went pink. He scowled and pulled his collar up.

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    Pekka Rollins couldn't count the threats he'd heard, the men he'd killed, or the men he'd seen die, but the look in Brekker's eye still sent a chill slithering up his spine. Some wrathful thing in this boy was beginning to get loose, and Rollin's didn't want to be around when it slipped its leash.

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    Well, we've managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. We're either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breathe air.

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    Rollins held up his watch chain. A turnip was hanging from the fob where his diamond-studded time piece should have been. "That little bastard--" Then a thought came to him. He reached for his wallet. It was gone. So was his tie pin, the Kaelish coin pendant he wore for luck, and the gold buckles on his shoes. Rollins wondered if he should check the fillings in his teeth. "He picked your pockets?" Doughty asked incredulously. No one got one over on Pekka Rollins. No one dared. But Brekker had, and Rollins wondered if that was just the beginning.

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    She was going to leave a trail of blood over the skyline.

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    I don't want your prayers, he said. What do you want, then? The old answers came easily to mind. Money. Vengeance. Jordie's voice in my head silenced forever. But a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. You, Inej. You.

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    She’d shown him in a thousand ways that she was honorable and strong and generous and very human, maybe even more vividly human than anyone he’d ever known. And if she was, then Grisha weren’t inherently evil. They were like anyone else—full of the potential to do great good, and also great harm. To ignore that would make Matthias the monster.

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    Trickery is not my native tongue, but I may learn to speak it yet

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    What doesn't kill me better run. - Kaz

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    You came back for me.” “I protect my investments.” Investments. “I’m glad I’m bleeding all over your shirt.

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    What do you like?" "Music. Numbers. Equations. They're not like words. They ... they don't get mixed up." "If only you could talk to girls in equations." There was a long silence, and then, eyes trained on the notch they'd created in the link, Wylan said, "Just girls?" Jesper restrained a grin. "No. Not just girls." It really was a shame they were all probably going to die tonight.

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    What is wrong with him?" Nina grumbled as they went back to the sitting room to drill Colm on his cover story. "Same thing that's always wrong with him," said Jesper. "He's Kaz Brekker.

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    You're a blackmailer--" "I broker information." "A con artist--" "I create opportunity." "A bawd and a murderer--" "I don't run whores, and I kill for a cause." "And what cause is that?" "Same as yours, merch. Profit." "How do you get your information, Mister Brekker?" "You might say I'm a lockpick." "You must be a very gifted one." "I am indeed." Kaz leaned back slightly. "You see, every man is a safe, a vault of secrets and longings. Now, there are those who take the brute's way, but I prefer a gentler approach--the right pressure applied at the right moment, in the right place. It's a delicate thing.

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    You still may die in the Dregs." Inej's dark eyes had glinted. "I may. But I'll die on my feet with a knife in my hand.

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    You know I can do it, Kaz, and you know I'm not going to refuse. So why ask?" "Because I've been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days.

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    You still my die in the Dregs.' Inej's dark eyes had glinted. 'I may. But I'll die on my feet with a knife in my hand.