Best 16 quotes in «socks quotes» category

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    The hobo wore old black shoes that also looked like they were too big for him, but that might have been because he wasn’t wearing any socks.

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    What are you doing?" "I'm darning a sock," he said, holding it up to show me. "What's that lump inside?" "A sock egg." "A sock egg? I didn't know socks hatched from eggs." "Only the best ones do. I can't wear the cheap kind, the ones that grow on trees. They give me blisters.

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    You just can't fly when you're wearing socks, and shoes, and coats, and pants, and underwear. Everything has to go.

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    At least, he thought, looking down at his feet, his socks were still in decent shape. It was the socks that went first. A whore he knew said that she only took customers whose socks were in good condition. One of Casson's fellow lodgers showed him how he used a pen to color in the skin that showed white in the holes.

    • socks quotes
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    Granny always said finding justice was as tough as putting socks on a rooster.

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    I bet it’s your mouldy socks,” said Jimmy. “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten these little socks.

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    Don't be quick to discard old socks because you receive new ones

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    Enzo showed a flair for words early and wrote his first story when he was seven, entitled "The horrible sock that smelled bad and ate Pomona Falls except for my house," in which a large sock, mutated by its own horrible unwashed smell, started eating its way through the contents of an entire town and was thwarted only when the heroes Enzo and Magdy first punched it into submission and then threw it into a swimming pool filled with laundry soap.

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    I experience the same level of intense concentration watching a thrilling tennis match as I do hunched over a heaping pile of warm socks diligently searching for exact matches.

    • socks quotes
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    He hadn’t said a word to me until we had been roommates for eight months. And even then it had only been, “You’re wearing my socks.

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    I miss you like the mismatching sock I can't find. You're out there somewhere.

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    I went from a morning of fear and panic to mind-boggling confusion, to an overwhelming sense of guilt, to stuffing a pair of socks down my pants.

    • socks quotes
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    I want to knit socks for the soldiers." "It's not as easy as that," she said, looking at me strangely. "It's difficult to turn a good heel. There are competitions over it.

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    Oh my God, Green,” I heard Chubs say from somewhere in the room. “Just take the damn socks and put the kid out of his misery.

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    So what’s the rule of thumb? Some say you should always match your socks to your shoes. Others say you should always match your socks to your pants. The correct answer is pants. And so in the case of jeans and brown shoes, I would go with navy socks. One note on sock-and-pant etiquette: if you’re wearing socks with dress pants, you should reveal no leg skin. It’s like a bare midriff: you don’t want to see it. It’s different if you’re wearing shoes without socks, which is fine in casual settings.

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    Mac raised his hand. “Once I could only find one of my socks,” he said. “Man, I looked everywhere for it! Under the bed, in the bathroom. You’ll never guess where I finally found it.” “In the refrigerator,” said Bob. Mac’s mouth dropped open. “How’d you know?” Bob shrugged. “Where else?