Best 5 quotes in «old times quotes» category

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    I wonder if we would ever switch back to old photo albums we got printed from photography shops. A Kodak KB10 camera with 36 photos worth of film roll, waiting for it to complete before sending the photos for developing. Nothing was instant, it would sometimes take months to compete a film and weeks to get the prints. The joy of seeing the photos, the disappointment to find a ruined image due to shaky hands. Even after having lots of camera and GBs of memory cards will never bring the same feeling.

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    It is a mind-wandering time Remember the old times when illusions were distinct Remember the old times when a friendly chat was all we needed to brighten up our hearts

    • old times quotes
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    Before we complicated life with money, machines and missiles we did well with morals, manpower and meetings.

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    The poverty of the villages is almost picturesque from the windows of a coach that is not stopping.

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    We miss the old times where nature was neater, where people were gentler, where fruits tastier, words more trustable, hearts more real, and where people’s looks were more meaningful!