Best 6 quotes in «christian unity quotes» category

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    Christians spend to much time argueing over scripture, the bible tells us that the early church were one, this was Jesus prayer for his church. Let's spend the time that we spend fighting each other showing the love of Christ, giving our time to helping others supporting the church as commanded.

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    Believers usually only have fellowship with those in their own church or group. This segregation is divisive. Intentional actions are needed to go visit and fellowship with believers that are not in their regular group. This greeting will grow the one fellowship of Jesus Christ which is the oneness of the body.

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    Now let’s put this all together: Jesus prayed in John 17 that the Body of Christ would be united with the Godhead in the same way that He Himself is united with His Father. The implication is that when people see us, they have seen the Father. And if they don’t believe us on account of our words, they should believe us on account of our works, because we are to do greater works than Jesus did. That is the kind of unity that will cause the world to know that the Kingdom of God has come near them!

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    God knows why God has made some of us ecclesiastically homeless, but I hope and pray that our being so may be in service to Christian unity.

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    How critical it is to stay focused on Jesus Christ.

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    the Lord's Supper is a token, not only of union with Jesus, but of union with all His people. The visible Church of God is split up into sects and parties known by the names of men; it can hardly be looked upon by men as one Church, and yet in God's sight it is one, and never can be anything else than one. In this highest act of worship, coming round the Lord's table, in one place or in another—church, chapel, room, mountain side, or dungeon—you acknowledge this truth, that you are one in the blood of the Lamb with every child of God.

    • christian unity quotes