Best 12 quotes in «special needs children quotes» category

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    But Luce takes the attitude, when you start fretting the day-by- day you lose track of the long view. And the long view is, they need to learn to speak for themselves and do the best they can. For now, if they bag their own lunch and it's pickles and prunes and they say the words, all you do is put both thumbs up and say, Good job.

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    Having a special-needs child didn’t just change you; it transmuted you, transported you to a parallel world with an altered gravitational axis.

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    Embrace the unique way your child is blooming -- even if it's not in the garden you imagined.

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    For the rest of his life, he realized, he would be torn like this, aware of Phoebe's awkwardness, the difficulties she encountered in the world simply by being different, and ye propelled beyond all this by her direct and guileless love. By her love, yes, and, he his own new and strangely uncomplicated love for her.

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    If you are sincerely looking for God, you are sure to find him because he will never abandon anyone who wants a relationship with him. In fact, your difficulties can help you look more intently for God so that you can see him- right by your side.

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    It takes a special reader to experience a special book, and allow the inspiration, inevitable in the process, to move him to action.

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    It was all about release, about letting go of the unknowns. I was having a disabled child and that was that. There were no hidden truths to discover. I would not know anything about her birth, her survivability odds, all her ailments, until her life actually unfolded.

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    When others focus on what your child cannot do, see it as an opportunity to focus on who God is and what he can do through you and your child. Sometimes inability is the vehicle for experiencing the blessing of God's powerful presence and provision.

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    Presuming that a nonspeaking child has nothing to say is like presuming that an adult without a car has nowhere to go.

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    When the human heart starts tightening under pressure, God's heart releases love and grace. There is more than enough in God's economy.

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    When you keep eternity in mind, you can grow from the trials of you experience, knowing that your difficult circumstances will end with this earthly life.

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    There is a wealth of evidence that people with Williams have a much stronger emotional response to music than the average person does. Even young children with Williams who can't talk yet suddenly start crying when they hear a sad song.

    • special needs children quotes