Best 5 quotes in «goodread quotes» category

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    Stalked He stalks her waiting for the right time, a single purpose stirring within his mind. His soul longs for that one deep connation, as his body seeks its final redemption. For he is the hunter and she his prey, her power untouched waiting for the moment to be set free on that final day. One sweet tasted form his lips as death he willed her way.

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    The difference between the oldest and the most stupid job you do is that one is selling herself and the other is selling you.

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    You can not please all your readers all the time. Therefore, stop worrying about what others think or say. Someone will always want to make you feel like crap.

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    Creativeness is the only thing that shows our imagination

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    For whatever reason, there is always someone out of the crowd wanting to make you feel like crap.