Best 13 quotes in «hold my hand quotes» category

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    He will not be around anyway and Ahana will find someone else to explore the city with. And who knows? She might be in Paris the next year or in Brussels and will find someone better.

    • hold my hand quotes
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    Deep has to go to his world, where he has friends and books and girls with eyes to date, and she will be alone with only her dad. She has to let go, she decides.

    • hold my hand quotes
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    Don't be afraid! Hold my hand and let's jump off that cliff; together.

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    I was alone in this discovery because it was my secret, my private exploration.

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    Hold my hands, O Lord, for the world is so crowded, If I lose myself, whom else would I condemn?

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    It made me hope he would tell me that he still needed me despite all that he had, that he really missed me and wanted me back, but he didn't.

    • hold my hand quotes
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    I was caged by him like a bird with clipped wings. I could flutter but I couldn’t escape though I’m not certain I’d want to even if I could.

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    My answer provided me with the first smile I’d seen on William’s face. It was more a grin, a cat-catches-the-canary kind of grin that froze me in place. Had I been more intuitive then, I would’ve known of the things to come.

    • hold my hand quotes
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    Who would want him? he asks himself. Certainly not Ahana, who's funny, bright and so beautiful that it hurts.

    • hold my hand quotes
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    His warmth enveloped me. I was caught in him, absolutely ensnared by all that he was. I shivered as his words –his heated breath- brushed down along my spine. They invoked a frisson of awareness in me that built my need for him, my desire. Though there was still the rational part of me screaming that what I desired was so possibly wrong, I couldn’t resist him.

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    I’ve watched you for a very long time now. And in this time, I’ve come to discover just as I first suspected. We are perfect for one another.

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    I was caught by him. I was absolutely, unintentionally ensnared. Held by the look in his cocoa brown eyes when he spoke, commanding me. I shivered at his words as if they were touches sliding down my spine.

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    I will miss my chest exploding you coming home late not turning on the light always waking me up I will miss the sudden burst of safety when you look at me or hold my hand or say something like ”let’s go home” I will miss the years I lost on something or someone. The pieces didn’t fit, shaped wrong the timing slightly off. I loved you like I always will.