Best 4 quotes in «little boy quotes» category

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    Little boys can be very silly," Anastasia agreed. Her quiet hand stroked Lexi's head, untangling her hair. "But you know what, agapi mou? You shouldn't be scared. I think he's more afraid of you than you are of him." Lexi could feel her mother smiling. She liked her mother's smile. It took up her entire face, radiating from her lips to her dimples to the crinkles around her eyes. "He's new here, and I think he is a very lonely little boy. Do you know why he is mean? He doesn't know how to be nice.

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    The little boy who never grew up, He trapped the frog and kills the rat, He flew a kite, the little boy who never grew up, He found a dream and took it home The little boy who never grew up, He planted his dream deep in his heart, The little boy who never grew up, He watered his dream, wishing his dream to bloom, The little boy who never grew up, The dream died, the dream drowned, The little boy who never grew up, Watered his dream too much, His dream died, the little boy cried, The little boy who never grew up His dream was dead; he wanted the same, The little boy who never grew up, He wishes his dream could take him away.

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    Did you come to see my father?" "No, I... came to call on Miss Hathaway." "Are you one of her suitors?" Christopher gave a decisive shake of his head. "You might be one," the boy said wisely, "and just not know it yet." Christopher felt a smile- his first genuine smile in a long time- pulling at his lips. "Does Miss Hathaway have many suitors?" "Oh, yes. But none of them want to marry her." "Why is that, do you imagine?" "They don't want to get shot," the child said, shrugging. "Pardon?" Christopher's brows lifted. "Before you marry, you have to get shot by an arrow and fall in love," the boy explained. He paused thoughtfully. "But I don't think the rest of it hurts as much as the beginning." Christopher couldn't prevent a grin.

    • little boy quotes
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    The more I change my old habits of thinking as that little boy with the shell, the easier it is for me to truly be the person I’ve chosen to be.