Best 5 quotes in «your story quotes» category

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    They say we all have a book in us. It may be an inspiring person story, knowledge of a particular subject beyond what is readily available, or a novel burning inside just waiting to be written. I believe we all deserve the opportunity to share our voices and to be published if we want.

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    Doesn't matter what anyone else would call it, Len," he says. "This is our story to tell." This is our story to tell. He says it in his Ten Commandments way and it hits me that way: profoundly. You'd think for all the reading I do, I would have thought about this before, but I haven't. I never once thought about the interpretative, the storytelling aspect of life, of my life. I always felt like I was in a story, yes, but not like I was the author of it, or like I had any say in its telling whatsoever. You can tell your story any way you damn well please.

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    Whatever your storybook carries within its pages, own it with love, courage and compassion. Remember that you can change your story at any time- nothing is fixed and we all have free will. We should not seek to love someone else’s journey more than we love our own; the swords of comparison are sharp and cutting to our soul and innermost values. We are all designed unique with our own original paths to walk through; we lose momentum and our natural impulses for creativity and progression when we focus our energy on other people.

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    When you change your story that you tell about yourself, you change your life. You can start telling a better story right now.

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    You should author the narration of your life and organization. If you don't, someone will, and you may not like it.

    • your story quotes