Best 5 quotes in «the originals quotes» category

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    Don't underestimate the allure of darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it.

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    The first rule of truly living is to do the things you're most afraid of.

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    Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it.

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    I am sure that I am in possession of a soul that is at the very least, a thousand years old. And I say this not on a whim; I say this as someone who is sure of something, who is not thinking fancifully but who is thinking solidly and fully. So why is it that I am childlike and playful? There is only one answer to this, and that is, after existing for a very long time, one learns the skill of retaining childlikeness and the state of childlikeness, which is called playfulness. The immature are not childlike and they are not playful; rather, they are manipulative and insecure. Manipulation is the game of the immature and insecurity is their state of being. I’m saying this because I want to draw the great distinction in the sand very clearly. The older your soul becomes, the more childlike it will be in texture. But we only make playtime out of small and joyful things; there is no playtime when it comes to bravery, honesty, and trust.

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    What an odd thing it is to be here one moment and gone the next. It's terrifying.

    • the originals quotes