Best 5 quotes in «márquez quotes» category

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    How strange men are.' she said, because she could not think of anything else to say. 'They spend their lives fighting against priests and then give prayer books as gifts.

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    It is life, more than death, that has no limits. Love becomes greater and nobler and mightier in calamity. We men are the miserable slaves of prejudice. But when a women decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root. There is no god worth worrying about. Let time pass and we will see what it brings. Humanity, like the armies in the field, advances at the speed of the slowest. Those of us who make the rules have the greatest obligation to abide by them. I don't believe in God but I am afraid of him. It's better to arrive in time than to be invited. Unfaithful but not disloyal. Love, no matter what else it might be, is a natural talent. Nobody teaches life anything. The only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love. There is no one with more common sense, no stonecutter more obstinate, no manager more lucid and dangerous, than a poet. Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves. One comes into the world with a predetermined allotment of lays and whoever doesn't use them for whatever reason, one's own and someone else's, willingly or unwillingly, looses them forever.

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    ...que carajo, si al fin y al cabo cuando yo me muera volverán los políticos a repartirse esta vaina como en los tiempos de los godos, ya lo verán, decía, se volverán a repartir todo entre los cura, los gringos y los ricos, y nada para los pobres, por supuesto, porque ésos estarán siempre tan jodidos que el día en que la mierda tenga algún valor los pobres nacerán sin culo...

    • márquez quotes
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    Es difícil imaginar hasta qué punto se vivía entonces a la sombra de la poesía. Era una pasión frenética, otro modo de ser, una bola de candela que andaba de su cuenta por todas partes. Abríamos el periódico, aun en la sección económica o en la página judicial, o leíamos el asiento del café en el fondo de la taza, y allí estaba esperándonos la poesía para hacerse cargo de nuetros sueños.

    • márquez quotes
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    ...that lightning bolt was mine