Best 188 quotes of Robin Sacredfire on MyQuotes

Robin Sacredfire

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    Robin Sacredfire

    After one my breakups, my former girlfriend said we have misunderstandings. We never had. It's just that I was living for the future while she was living for the tomorrow. I couldn't wait for someone unwilling to grow up and able to keep only short term promises.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    A man told me that my thoughts are opinions, so I asked back if he knows the difference between facts and opinions. He couldn’t differentiate them. And I had to conclude I was talking with an arrogant lunatic. He did admit to be arrogant, but the conversation was over before I could prove him lunatic as well.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    An entrepreneur is not someone that starts his own business. An entrepreneur is someone that realizes he does not want to live the rest of his life as a slave and decides to buy his freedom. Starting a business is just a common consequence of such decision.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Any human being should be capable of three things to earn such title: live alone, hunt and drive anything with or without wheels. If you don't have these three things, you're either a slave or an animal. Any idea about being social or human has been cleverly associated with these two things, in order to make believe that being a social animal is the ideal to aspire for, especially if such animal is enslaved by a certain amount of ideals promoted by the system that gives him life and cuts it off as soon as he shows himself undeserving.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    A person can’t have enough money or more than that for as long as he can’t imagine having it all and losing it all at will. It is the fear of losing money that maintains an individual in a perpetual state of losing it. And this, as much as the desire to accumulate money without the capacity to duplicate the state of having it, maintains one in a repetitive loop imprisoning him in his present condition, and in which the world around one will deceive him into thinking the reasons for his misfortune are outwards.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Apple and apricot seeds contain a vitamin called B12, which I found to be illegal to sell in pharmacies. Now, this is very interesting. You can buy all kind of vitamins in pharmacies, but not B12. Why in the hell would the pharmaceutical industry make a vitamin that we can eat on our own, through seeds, illegal? I asked this question to employees in the pharmacies and many doctors, and they couldn't answer. They just kept looking at me as if I was trying to get ingredients to make my own synthetic drugs. For most people, what is illegal is really illegal. Most people are too stupid to think for themselves, even when my question is so obvious that they seem to have brain damage not to realize the relevance of such question.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Ask the person who found you about what kind of people she was looking for before meeting you, as she may not know that she has found one of them already.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Ask the person who found you about what kind of people they were looking for before meeting you, as they may not know that they have found one of them already.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    As soon as you ascend to heaven in spirit, by being more spiritual and honest with yourself, you will notice that hell comes to you at the exact same time, and earth will literally feel like hell. Everyone that can't see it went on the opposite direction, from crazy to crazier. They see butterflies instead of worms and juice instead of blood, and can't smell their own rotting flesh. They went from surviving to becoming zombies. That's why I despite the vast majority of those that consider themselves spiritual. They are in fact lunatics disguised as saints.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Beliefs are a powerful thing. I often travel the world and sometimes the local waitresses attending me are nervous if they can’t speak English. Now, when this happens, I point at the pictures in the menu. However, I’ve noticed that the ones with the strongest beliefs, the most nervous ones, still do a mistake in my order. Another interesting things to notice in these situations is that, when I correct them, by pointing again at what I ordered before, they recognize their mistake, but get angry, as if their mistake was my fault, and that’s called irresponsibility. Now, when you combine irresponsibility with the wrong beliefs, you have a a very dumb person. That’s what stupidity is, it’s a human being doing the wrong things with the wrong beliefs and never ever accepting any responsibility for it. That’s how those with the lowest spiritual conscience behave in general with themselves and others.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Beliefs shape the size of our opportunities. Love expands them beyond faith.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Believe me, people do change and they change often and many times through their lifetime. However, due to naiveness, passivity and selfishness, they commonly change towards a more negative self, becoming less than they were. Positive changes are destined for those that seek them. Our world is, by default, designed to bring us down. In order to go up, one must consciously seek to dream and manifest dreams, by learning, reading, asking meaningful questions and actively making connections with others. One must, at least, love.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Between a monkey and a snake, the one that resists change the most is the snake. You can hardly domesticate a snake and make it your trustworthy friend. And so, taking into consideration that most people refuse to change their attitude, and instead decide to discriminate others and act as enemies to the human race as a whole, in their selfishness, competitiveness and egotistical stubbornness, without empathy or compassion for others, they are acting like reptiles, not mammals. We have too much of reptile-thinking inside the human race; and the distance between our reality and a fiction movie about an alien invasion, in which reptiles walk among us disguised as humans isn't that much. We have been corrupted already. Humanity is nearly extinct due to a massive invasion of a reptilian belief-system.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Blessed are the ones who offer coffee to writers, for they will get all the rewards mentioned in the Bible, the Quran, the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Books can change the world. They represent a second chance for those that want to change their life and can’t.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Bubble: A safe space where people that don't like to be confronted with the consequences of their actions live. Often known as the perfect environment for those that are too immature to assume responsibility for their lack of realistic perception, and instead focus their energy in maintaining an image of perfection to the outside world, while hiding their real thoughts, quite usually very sadistic and selfish. Bubbles can easily blast when a small portion of truth or justified anger hits one, so people that live inside a bubble are particularly sensitive to those that tell them things they can't comprehend, even, and in particular, when such things are correlated with their immoral social behavior. And as people that live inside a bubble need the bubble as much as they fear the outside world, they often blend unrelated words with their own nonsense to keep the danger of having a bubble exploded far from sight. This includes being an hypocrite when calling one ungrateful, offending someone while calling such individual aggressive, and using negative depreciation with arguments that fit their agenda of keeping themselves within ignorance while bringing others further to that paradox. People that live in the bubble believe anything they hear but always assume that their beliefs are independent, as the bubble stops them from seeing further and admitting something they can't see or accept. Therefore, until the moment in which everyone will be happy to have a microchip attached to their brain and google glasses stopping them from seeing the world as it is, the bubble will be known as a transitory stage, between an unempathetic dumbness and being a brainless humanoid vegetal on two legs.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Despite the experiences that put me in the spotlight as the co-creator of my wisdom, the human part of me keeps burning, like an alchemical process that I both accept and want to refuse. You see, it's hard when I notice women falling in love with me, and then destroying everything at the same time. And so, I'm changing the world as much as this world is changing me. The two things are inseparable.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Despite what you might think, NORMAL people do NOT cause problems, misfortunes, conflicts, distress or accidents. And when they do, they CAN apologize and recognize their negative influence. A person that causes these things and can’t assume any responsibility for them is, apart from showing the cognitive and moral level of a child, deserving nothing more than abandonment, because she is dangerous at all levels and can hurt, or even kill, someone BY ACCIDENT, including herself and whoever is with her. A person like this DOES NOT deserve any TRUST for ANYTHING, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Differences about poor and rich people: Poor people ask me where's my money from; Rich people invite me for a coffee and never ask it.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Do not attempt to help those who have not asked for your help. Interfering with their own karma will result in a never-ending spiritual war from which you can only lose.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Do not insult a writer by asking him questions related to books written by someone else. If you are not reading the books written by the author you question, you are an hypocrite and a cynical, and you deserve no answers.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Do not preach me on how much my friends don't like to hear about my problems. If they are associated with me to hear only about my successes, my gains and achievements, they are parasites, and must be pulled out from my life as fast as I would kill a virus inside my body.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Do not tell me how much money you make. I do not care about that. Do not tell me about how many cars you own or countries you visited. It doesn't tell me anything about you. Tell me instead about how you think and which beliefs you treasure the most. Then, I will be able to tell you who are, who you can be, and who you will become.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Don't ask me why I know the future. Ask me why you should know it.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Do you deserve it? Do I deserve it? These are questions that don't require an answer because they shouldn't be made. Live life to your will and let others judge the results as they want. They’ll probably never understand, and that's why they are they and not you.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Everything that you want in life, is possible. But the reflection in the mirror will always show who is reflecting. One can’t change the reflection without changing himself.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Few coffee shops have books, fewer have good books, and even less will have one book that can change your whole life. Now, the question is: How many people can find that book? And, among those who do, how many will read it? Because, you see, life always provides opportunities, but not many can see them, when they're just there, waiting to be found, when they come our way, even if in the most unexpected place in the world. One has to be very sharp to recognize a window of opportunity in a wall of illusions. And the ability to redirect attention, demands that one can be capable as well of knowing his own limitations in the vast sea of energy and vibrations. Now, I could be talking about a book, a group or a person, as the axiom remains true to itself.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    For many people, money is an index of how successful one is. And so they fear competition and attach themselves to their shadows. Such path drives one towards materialism rather than spiritualism. So what’s the difference between such individuals and those that work in the hope of quitting their job? Well, the main difference is that materialist people separate the two realities in the hope they can earn money from the work they love and then quit the work they don’t like. And by creating such division they remain there, in the middle, trapped. They think that by following what they love to do, step by step, they’ll be guided towards the right direction. But if their thoughts were clear, they would know they’re diving themselves and perpetuating their fate, rather than solving it. They neglect the mental barriers stopping them from achieving their goal. And anyone is responsible for determining the result that one holds in his thoughts. In other words, if you had not made such division in the first place, and instead accepted the lack of duality, you would achieve your result much faster. That is why almost all entrepreneurs rather work hard and be poor when starting a business than waiting for the right time to quit their job. There’s not such thing as the right time, or a shift from one reality unto another, because you create both things, your fortune and your unfortunate, and you own your luck and results, all the time. Whatever you believe in present time, perpetuates that same present time.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Getting drunk every Friday night and thinking that it's normal, only to get mad every Monday, looks normal only because most people are insane. It becomes abnormal when it affects your relationships and you push people you want away with a smile and cry when they're gone. That's when a person should question her own sanity. If that still doesn't make one question it, then that's a very deep stage of insanity. That's not life. That's the scenario for an apocalyptic movie.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    God has more powerful aways to show Himself than any human postulate. And yet, a postulate is the highest form of prayer.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    God's strength is rooted in being faithful to his true Self, in just Being good. The Devil's strength depends on synergies, agreements, cooperation and beliefs.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Having less worries is what allows me to talk to beggars in the street or tell jokes at waitresses and try to make them smile. I couldn't do that before, when I had a job and was always worried about money.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Here's a resume of crucial knowledge you should have in today's world but universities are not providing: Financial - Not just on management, but also on how to profit, how to manage and control flows of income; Linguistic - In today's world, speaking only a language is prove of lack of education. Knowing two languages is a basic necessity, and knowing three languages is essential, while knowing four is merely the ideal situation. Which four languages? Chinese, English, Spanish, and another of your choice, just for fun; Intellectual - It's not about what you know; it’s all about how you think about what you know. Therefore, it's ridiculous to think that there’s only one answer and one way to examine our life. Most students are extremely dumb because they lack the ability to educate themselves, despite their certificates or where they’ve studied. They never read with an intention in mind. And as they graduate, they become completely futile as individuals. This situation is the same all over the world. Millions are graduating every year, without any significant knowledge to live with. Their books are often outdated once they graduate and they're unable to learn by themselves and develop the necessary skills to adjust to the economic society in which we live. Maybe they can keep a job for 3 or 5 years of their life, but then are surprised to lose it and never finding a suitable job again. The world is changing very fast and most people can’t or are unwilling to recognize this fact.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Honesty and kindness can do much more for the world than anything else. And logic will always be weak without a strong heart. That is why the wisest tend to suffer the most from heartbreak. One cannot reach for God in His wisdom with the heart of a devil.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Human values never vanish between lives. They are born with us in every reincarnation to teach us the lessons we failed to learn in previous existences, either they’re related to dogma, justice, loneliness, love, darkness or light.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    Humility and Dignity had a daughter, called Arrogance, who was ashamed of her name and used to hide behind Pride. But Pride was in love with Truth, therefore arrogance married Illusion and forever despised Truth. Pride and Truth had a daughter, called Happiness, while Arrogance and Illusion had a son, called Despair. When both meet, one of them cries.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I could doubt the value of my books as much as many do, except that, as a researcher and very curious person, I do read a lot too, and can clearly see the difference in value between what I do and what others do. I have no doubt that my books have much more value than nearly all others out there, and it wouldn't make sense for me to be an author if I couldn't see that, or if I saw the opposite, as I believe that, if we're not upgrading mankind, we're just making it lost and vulnerable to the claws of ignorance.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I do not expect everyone to like me; but I would be extremely surprised if a person whom I consider highly spiritual, a person that I properly evaluate and conclude to be mentally healthy and very sane, a person that is mostly and foremost good at heart, hated me. That is an impossibility, as I have confirmed after traveling the whole world and meeting thousands of human beings. Evil and good do not resonate at the same frequency, and that is what disgust, distrust and lower affinity mean. And so, we are then allowed to conclude that whoever loves everyone doest not know himself, and whoever hates everyone doest not understand the purpose of life; but one who can see this polarity and interfere with its order without being a part of it, has transcended the trap of attachment, a trap which can only be conquered once we conquer our need for a personality and the attachment to the ego; a trap from which nobody seeking for selfish gains in the wilderness of attachment can escape from. Only then, such enlightened soul will understand that the outer world is merely reflecting the inner world, and a soul cannot conquer one without conquering the other. In other words, the spirit must conquer the personality, as much as the personality must accept the spirit, for victory over life to come as much as we reach for it. Only when a marriage between the willpower of the personality with the sensitive loving need of the spirit is accomplished, can a human being transcend his nature, and in doing so, transcend the nature of the world.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I don't fully know what love is. I don't think anybody I ever met does. People do have theories about it. It’s amazing how humans love to fabricate theories and opinions on topics they know nothing about. Many times it seems that people are more obsessed towards expressing themselves on the things they don’t know, rather than honestly sharing what they know. It’s impressive how arrogance often hides selfishness in the backstage; as if arrogance was the forefront of a desperate need to unselfish oneself. In this sense, if I look back at my books, all the books I ever wrote on relationships and love, I would clearly realize that they need to be rewritten. They are not necessarily wrong in their core, but they may not be very helpful too, in a highly complex and “brain-obsessed" society as it is this on planet earth. Solutions on a mentally enslaved planet are like the sun seen behind bars to those in a prison cell. Within this perspective, we can see that humans are both consciously and unconsciously correct, in both their humane and inhumane actions and words, and being fully honest too, when rejecting it. For they need the key to their freedom more than they the sun. To these souls, the heart is further apart than the sun or the key to their freedom. They can only talk about it, as if it was a myth, just like prehistoric tribes, when addressing their folklore.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I find it quite intriguing that the one observing me as different, immediately assumes that there's something wrong with me, but never, not even for one instant, questions the possibility of the opposite. It's truly amazing that the ones with more certainties, the most arrogant and the most selfish, are indeed the most stupid inside society. They are so dumb and ignorant that they can't see a writer in front of their nose. And the more the writer types, talks and thinks, the more they think that this separation, this difference, grants them some form of superiority. Indeed, the light pushes demons into hell. The brighter your light, the faster you differentiate others. The way of the light was never meant for the weak, which are a majority. And this majority will always ignore the light, as demons fearing and hating angels. And so, it's interesting that without artists God would not have a way to reach the world. And yet, without the ignorant, Satan wouldn't have a way to stop God.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If insanity is in repeating the same behavior while expecting different results, no less insane is the one that repeats the same behavior without expecting different results because he can’t see that he is insane.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If the publishing industry was a paradise, Amazon would represent Satan speaking through a serpent; "Come and give me all your rights and I will make you rich". So many authors have fallen fools to this obvious deception. The path to wealth may seem harder but does lead to eternal life, not just a few bucks on the wallet for a couple of years.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If we want to survive this economic collapse, new mandatory school subjects should be eCommerce, Chinese, spirituality and aesthetics.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If you ask for my opinion in what regards Tim Ferris, Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, Dan Brown and J. K. Rowling, you are assuming that I am in a position to judge their work, which makes me better than them. But if you are reading their books are not mine, you are wasting my time with your ignorance and nonsense.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If you can say no to the things you don't like and if you can persist along the way of trying to get better, you will find them, you always will. That is the law of life.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If you can't get what you want from life, see if you're withholding something from someone else, because you won’t get what you want unless you start giving away what you have to those that need it. Selfishness is incompatible with abundance and going to Church won’t help you escape this Divine law.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    If you want to accurately judge the spiritual level of any human being, count the number of religions that he is capable of understanding and observe how effective he is in applying the lessons learned to his own life or the life of others.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I have noticed that most people don’t use more than a pea size equivalent of their brain. They can’t process more than one idea each time. If I say that my grandparents were from Switzerland and then I was born somewhere else, they will forget the somewhere else and focus on Switzerland; If I say that my name originates in the South of France before saying my nationality, it becomes irrelevant as well. And I’m surprised at how many people get offended when I tell them I can easily brainwash them with new ideas and convince them that I’m right. It’s not my fault but theirs, for not knowing how to think. They shouldn’t blame the overthinker but the underthinker. And yet, I hear so many times this explanation for any kind of life problem: “You think too much”. Everything serves as an excuse to be stupid in this world. And then the majority wonders why getting a job is so difficult for them. It’s not for overthinkers. I used to be called for job interviews because I was a rule breaker; I would hide my age and be called because the interviewer wanted to ask me how old I am; or paint the letters of my CV in green and be called because it was the first to be noticed among thousands in black and white. The only problem about overthinking is that you will eventually overcome the norm. That’s why I don’t need a job anymore; I have outthought the majority.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I have seen enough. I am ready to see the world die.

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    Robin Sacredfire

    I judge the quality of my work by the quality of the people that follow it. If my readers are the most amazing people on Earth, I am surely doing a very good job and I have all the right to be proud about it.