Best 4 quotes in «no expectations quotes» category

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    I've stopped bothering getting my hopes up and watching them die when all of it's just in my head. I expect nothing from the start, I expect nothing in the middle, and I expect nothing up until the end.

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    Hayat korkunç bir merhametsizlikle devam ediyor. Ama biliyorum ki bu onun doğası. Başka bir şey beklemek hatasına düşmüyorum. Düşsem, düşebilsem keşke. Mal bulmuş Mağribî gibi saldıracağım hayallerin üzerine.

    • no expectations quotes
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    There may be human joy in doing good with definite purpose, but they who do good expecting nothing in return know a joy that is divine.

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    When you FORGIVE unconditionally, do so with no expectations of what is to be