Best 5 quotes in «seashell quotes» category

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    If you want to hear the distant voice of the ocean put your ear to the lips of a seashell. If you want to hear the voice of God place your ear upon the chest of any living being. If you want to be awakened from slumbering through life, place your ear up to the core of a corpse because the voice of honesty can clearly be heard there and the fingers of such a ribcage love to pinch dreamers into action. But if you want to hear the voice that directs your personal pilgrimage, you must find a way to keep your ear glued to your body’s fragile shell.

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    It is not the ocean that you hear in the empty shell of a nautilus, it is the echo of your soul.

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    Returning to bed, Rachel strokes Zachariah's black curls as he drifts into sleep and appreciates the shape and fractal geometry there, the self-similarity and infinity of scale. She breathes in at his scalp, then presses her ear to his, listening for the clamour of voices within, to the long line of fighting men who made him, his head a seashell. There is a template for the fighting man. Rachel listens across three times nine countries, as the fairy-tale saying goes, across three times nine countries in the thirtieth tsardom . . .

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    The grotto itself comprises its own slick universe, and inside this universe spin countless galaxies: here, in the upturned half of a single mussel shell, lives a barnacle and a tiny spindle shell occupied by a still smaller hermit crab. And on the shell of the crab? A yet smaller barnacle. And on that barnacle?

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    Never venture and risk a seashell for a pearl; conversely, one can choose and select it in an open field, without risk.

    • seashell quotes