Best 3 quotes in «laveyan satanism quotes» category

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    I have proven many times over that the “painted hussy” will steal the show from the more “tasteful” girls. Many years ago, I had my witches wearing false eyelashes with heavy eye make-up, ** and though they were always criticized by other women as looking “artificial,” they got all the attention from the men. When a man sees a make-up job that is blatantly and obviously make-up, he is automatically flattered, because he knows that the woman is trying to look sexy. Men like to see a sexy -looking woman and it pleases a man to think that a woman is knocking herself out trying to please him

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    Virtue is its own punishment—“nice girls” lose—and one of the surest signs of potential proficiency in witchcraft is an inability to get along with other women.

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    The most valuable thing [Anton LaVey] did that day was to help me understand and come to terms with the deadness, hardness and apathy I was feeling about myself and the world around me, explaining that it was all necessary, a middle step in an evolution from an innocent child to an intelligent, powerful being capable of making a mark on the world.