Best 55 quotes of Rita Zahara on MyQuotes

Rita Zahara

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    Rita Zahara

    A beautiful person is a person who is capable of being the best version of himself/herself, inside and out as often as possible.

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    Rita Zahara

    A good nail does not fear being hammered.

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    Rita Zahara

    A lot of things in life seem impossible until it's done. Don't be afraid to attempt the impossible.

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    Rita Zahara

    Being hurt is a pesky part of being human. You are bound to meet people who will hurt you again and again. Instead of asking them why again and again, ask yourself why you let them again and again. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Nobody can hurt you without your permission.

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    Rita Zahara

    Believe that when something is meant to be, it will happen. In God's time. At the right moment. For the best reason. With the right person

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    Rita Zahara

    Be nice until it becomes a habit. Give thanks like it is second nature.

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    Rita Zahara

    But no matter what the outcome, how the friends turn out in the end, it should not stop you from making new friends. Once bitten, twice shy should not be applied to friendship.

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    Rita Zahara

    Don't be afraid to show your feelings. Wear your heart on your sleeves. The right one will see

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    Rita Zahara

    Don’t be disheartened when you didn’t get to be with the one you love. Sometimes you just have to accept the reality that the one you asked God for, asked God for somebody else. God is All-Knowing. He knows what you need. Trust His master plan.

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    Rita Zahara

    Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, "could have, might have, should have,and might have been." Create yourself and live the story of your own unique life.

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    Rita Zahara

    Don't find a reason to smile. Find a way.

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    Rita Zahara

    Follow your passion. Help people along the way. Work very very hard and always come prepared.

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    Rita Zahara

    Give as much as you can at every possible opportunity. If you can't afford to give money, give your time. If you can't afford the time, give your heart. Blessings come back to you in unpredictable ways.

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    Rita Zahara

    Happiness comes from within you. If your heart is happy, you can do anything you put your mind to do. Purify your heart. Cleanse it. Make it a wake-up routine. Your environment may be harsh, difficult and tumultuous but if you work on your heart, you can be calm amidst all those challenges. So, to be happy, you not only have to work with all your heart. You have to work on your heart. You will glow from the inside out

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    Rita Zahara

    How they treat you defines them. How you treat others defines you.

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    Rita Zahara

    I feel that we should always be a real friend, always, even to those who chose to be fake. Not because they are nice but because you are.

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    Rita Zahara

    If you don't get the ending you desire.... have faith in the magic of new beginnings.

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    Rita Zahara

    If you ever have to sacrifice something good, have faith that God will reward you with something GREAT

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    Rita Zahara

    If you have a dream. Believe it. Work on it. Have faith in your heart and feel it explode within you. Be sincere about your dream. Mean what you say and do what you dream.

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    Rita Zahara

    If you have any of these qualities... love, kindness, compassion, sincerity and truth in your heart.... you will always find your way home.

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    Rita Zahara

    Life is full of all sorts of people. You just need to know which hands to shake, which hands to hold and which hands to let go.

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    Rita Zahara

    Live simply. Give more. Expect less.

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    Rita Zahara

    Love cannot be measured over time and space. It is not how long you know each other, it is how well you know each other.

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    Rita Zahara

    Love does not come on schedule or on time. It comes unexpected, it comes unplanned. Do not shut your doors on love just because you've been hurt before. Let go of the need to be loved. Just be loving. Others will be able to see how loving and lovable you are when you express it

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    Rita Zahara

    Love is when you come home all tired but the love and passion in your heart make you strong.

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    Rita Zahara

    Never take anyone for granted. Never take anyone's kindness for their weakness. What's once yours could easily turn into a memory.

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    Rita Zahara

    Once in awhile, you do encounter bad acquaintance, mean people, toxic aura. Don't let them rent space in your heart and mind. Don't let anyone make you so upset that you become someone you don't even recognise.

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    Rita Zahara

    One of the greatest things you can do to help others is not just to share and give what you have, but to help them discover what they have within themselves to help themselves.

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    Rita Zahara

    Purify your heart. Cleanse it. Make it a wake-up routine. Your environment may be harsh, difficult and tumultuous but if you work on your heart, you can be calm amidst all those challenges.

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    Rita Zahara

    So, change lanes. Get your stride back. Don't stay on a road that can only lead you to further devastation

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    Rita Zahara

    Sometimes you need to be terrified to your bones, in order for you to find your way to safety. Pain somewhat has this ability to push you beyond your comfort zone so that you can come back even stronger. To me, obstacles are not a hindrance but as stepping stones to success.

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    Rita Zahara

    So remember what others think of you depends a lot on what you believe about yourself, what you think you are, what you think about, what you say and what you have proven you can do.

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    Rita Zahara

    Success is not an accident. It is sheer hard work. There is no short-cuts. You have to take the stairs and you have to start from the bottom.

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    Rita Zahara

    Tears are perhaps 1% water but 99% emotions. They contain hurt, pain, sorrow, disappointment, sadness… so cry sometimes and let go of the feelings welling in your heart. Crying won't necessarily solve your problems but it will make you feel better.

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    Rita Zahara

    The good nail will do its job regardless what kind of hammer comes its way and what kind of surface it sits on.

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    Rita Zahara

    The ones who keep giving you reasons why you won't succeed, are probably the ones who wish that you won't. Listen to your heart. Follow your dream. It is not a question whether your dream is impossible. It is a question of how badly you want it.

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    Rita Zahara

    There will always be real friends and fake friends. It is difficult to distinguish the two because both will appear the same in the beginning but so different at the end.

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    Rita Zahara

    Those who give up on their dreams shouldn't influence you to give up on yours.

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    Rita Zahara

    Trust, like love, is a word that has great power Everybody deserves their own space, in their own time. You are even entitled to keep secrets. But it is not secrets that destroys things, suspicion does. For it may take many years to build trust, sometimes.. all it takes is suspicion, you don't even need proof to destroy trust. So, if you say you can trust someone, you're admitting to something that is even greater than love. Trust, like love, is a word that has great power.

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    Rita Zahara

    When a person really loves you, you can feel it. I'm not talking about the way YOU feel nor the way he/she feels towards you but the way he/she treats you. From their actions, you can feel their love.

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    Rita Zahara

    When people are mean to you, win them over with kindness. If it doesn't work, you still win.

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    Rita Zahara

    When someone comes to you with big dreams, don't be too quick to belittle their ambition and dreams. Inspire and help them in any way you can. Even the beautiful butterfly was once a caterpillar.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you are not sure on what to do, choose a life that is most meaningful to you and make it a habit.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you change your thoughts and perception, you change the way you live.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you do things for others; don't expect your good deeds to be returned. Do it because you enjoy making someone's day.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you face challenges, ask yourself what is the lesson here? Focus on the lesson and don't complain about the test. Everything happens for a reason. Every person you meet, may teach you something - good or bad.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you love, love with with all your heart; don't have any expectations. You love because that's the only way you know how. It justifies your life.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you love someone very much, you'd have to go through every tear, every heartache, every pain. Cause in the end, it's not how much you suffered but how you loved.

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    Rita Zahara

    When you meet the one. It just clicks. Clicking is important in a relationship. When you click, you share the same passion and worldviews, ambitions and dreams. You are willing to share your inner thoughts, fears, desires and secrets. When you click, your partner makes you comfortable in your skin, he or she knows what you need even you're quiet, knows when to give advice and when to just listen. When you click, you allow your partner to steadily be what they desire to be, while you be a steady presence

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    Rita Zahara

    When your world is in pieces, you can choose to see it as crumbling or building. Your attitude, resilience and determination mark the difference.