Best 6 quotes of Amy Tintera on MyQuotes

Amy Tintera

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    Amy Tintera

    Her smile faded to a more serious expression. "Is everything okay? With Callum?" "Fine," I said, taking a bite of meat and avoiding her eyes. "He's crazy about you, you know," she said softly, like I hadn't just told her things were fine. "I see other girls looking at him sometimes, and he doesn't even notice. He only sees you.

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    Amy Tintera

    I sort of liked the sound of bones breaking. It was like home.

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    Amy Tintera

    I still have the scars from when they captured me and beat me in the middle of the street." "You don't get scars." "Emotional scars then.

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    Amy Tintera

    Only for a minute. I'll be right back." He plopped the baby in her lap and hopped to his feet. Wren held her at arm's length and frowned. She did not appreciate that, because she immediately began wailing. "Here," Wren said, thrusting her in my direction. "Take the mutant baby.

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    Amy Tintera

    You could've at least let me know you weren't dead by the way. I was actually kind of sad about that." "That's a pretty incredible sentiment, coming from you.

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    Amy Tintera

    You smell so good," "No, I don't, I smell like death." "You're crazy, you're not dead. You do not smell like death." "I was dead a long time." "And now you're not. Hence the alive smell.