Best 67 quotes of Bruce H. Lipton on MyQuotes

Bruce H. Lipton

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    A human can alter their field, but can't change the world.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden, rather than fight over the turf.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    A renaissance in cellular biology has recently revealed the molecular mechanisms by which thoughts and perceptions directly influence gene activity and cell behavior...Energy psychology, through its ability to rapidly identify and reprogram limiting misconceptions, represents the most powerful and effective process to enhance physical and emotional well being.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    As many conventionally unhappy parents did in the 1950s, my parents stayed together for the sake of the children—they divorced after my youngest brother left home for college. I only wish they had known that modeling their dysfunctional relationship was far more damaging to their children than their separation would have been.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    As soon as you start to tell yourself in your perception that you can't do something anymore, then your biological system will adjust to prove you right. You will not do what you think you can't do.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Basically these are beliefs about apocalypse that we have seen as truth in Western civilization for the last couple of hundred years. So we live according to these "truths" and as a result manifesting a life using those beliefs, which can be very self-destructive.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Beliefs and thoughts alter cells in your body.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Deism is the belief that nature and God are one and the same thing. If you study nature, you're getting insights about God.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Drugging out symptoms does not solve the problem, it helps us ignore it - until the vehicle breaks down.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Each of our cells is a living entity, and the main thing that influences them is our blood. If I open my eyes in the morning and my beautiful partner is in front of me, my perception causes a release of oxytocin, dopamine, growth hormones - all of which encourage the growth and health of my cells. But if I see a saber tooth tiger, I'm going to release stress hormones which change the cells to a protection mode. People need to realize that their thoughts are more primary than their genes, because the environment, which is influenced by our thoughts, controls the genes.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    E-Motion will have a very positive impact on the evolution of human consciousness

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    ...[E]very person perceives the world differently. So essentially, there are six billion human versions of reality on this planet, each perceiving its own truth.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Human beings are not meant to live alone. There is a fundamental biological imperative that propels you and every organism on this planet to be in a community, to be in relationship with other organisms.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Humans are more dependent on learning for survival than other species,We have no instincts that automatically find us food and shelter !

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    I am the master of my genes, not the victim of them.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    If humans were to model the lifestyle displayed by healthy community of cells , our societies and our planet would be more peaceful and vital

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    If I brought you down to the size of an individual cell so that you could see your body from that perspective, it would offer a whole new view of the world. When you looked back at yourself from that perspective you would not see yourself as a single entity. You would see yourself as a bustling community of more than 50 trillion individual cells.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    If the brain expects that a treatment will work, it sends healing chemicals into the bloodstream, which facilitates that. That's why the placebo effect is so powerful for every type of healing. And the opposite is equally true and equally powerful: When the brain expects that a therapy will not work, it doesn't. It's called the "nocebo" effect.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    I learned again and again in my life, until you get your own act together, you’re not ready for Big Love. What you’re ready for is one of those codependent relationships where you desperately need a partner.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    In reality, a cell is a biological mini-me compared to the human body. A cell has every biological system that you have.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    ...I see that White Light will only return to the planet when every human being recognizes every other human being as an individualized frequency of the White Light. As long as we keep eliminating or devaluing other human beings we have decided we don't like, ie., destroying frequencies of the spectrum, we will not be able to experience the White Light. Our job is to protect and nurture each human frequency so that the White Light can return.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    It is far easier to be entertained by a reality TV than to participate in our own reality.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny. (Prologue, xv)

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    I watch Jon Stewart because I need to laugh. Otherwise, life gets too serious. Besides that, I don't watch any news.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals that propel life.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Modern science is predicated on "truths" verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Most illness is just stress from not living in harmony

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Nature is based on harmony. So it says if we want to survive and become more like nature, then we actually have to understand that it's cooperation versus competition.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Once we go beyond this and start to open up and question and experience things in a different way, we can move forward.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    One myth-perception is our continued emphasis of a Newtonian materialistic world, which by definition emphasizes the primacy of matter and somewhat ignores or minimizes the influence of the immaterial part of the universe.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    One of the first papers I wrote at the University of Wisconsin, in 1977, was on stem cells. I realized that if I changed the environment that these cells were in, I could turn the cells into bone, and if I changed the environment a bit more, they would form fat cells.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Only when Spirit and Science are reunited will we be afforded the means to a better world.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Our problems are not with the data, itself, but arise from our interpretation of the data.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Our thoughts are mainly controlled by our subconscious, which is largely formed before the age of 6, and you cannot change the subconscious mind by just thinking about it.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    People don't even recognize who the Founding Fathers of the United States were. They were exceptional human beings - when you signed the Declaration of Independence, that was a death warrant they signed their name to. You have to have courage to put your name on a death warrant against the most powerful nation in the world at that time. And yet, we didn't honor who they really were. They were deists. They lived an enlightened belief system.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    People need to realize that their thoughts are more primary than their genes, because the environment, which is influenced by our thoughts, controls the genes.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Recently, results of the Human Genome Project have shattered one of Science's fundamental core beliefs, the concept of genetic determinism. We have been led to believe that our genes determine the character of our lives, yet new research surprisingly reveals that it is the character of our lives that controls our genes. Rather than being victims of our heredity, we are actually masters of our genome.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Since the conventional belief about human embryology is that genes control the development of the fetus, the mother's role in her child's gestation is deemed to be not much more than providing nutrition, feeding her child.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Single cells analyze thousands of stimuli from the microenvironment they inhabit. The more awareness an organism has of its environment, the better its chances for survival. When cells band together they increase their awareness exponentially. Division of labor among the cells in the community offers an additional survival advantage. The efficiency it enables more cells to live on less. Evolution is based on an instructive, cooperative interaction among organisms and their environment enables life forms to survive and evolve in a dynamic world.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The colonies started to issue their own money and stopped using the Bank of England, which was what precipitated the war because you can't have your own currency because then you're out of our control.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The fact that science led me to spiritual insight is appropriate because the latest discoveries in physics and cell research are forging new links between the worlds of Science and Spirit. These realms were split apart in the days of Descartes centuries ago. However, I truly believe that only when Spirit and Science are reunited will we be afforded the means to a better world.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality. In a universe made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The planet's hope and salvation lies in the adoption of revolutionary new knowledge being revealed at the frontiers of science.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    There are many beliefs that we have seen as truth in Western civilization for hundreds of years. We live according to these "truths" and as a result manifesting a life using those beliefs, which can be very self-destructive. So these beliefs will affect decisions in economics and politics and everything else that we do. One myth-perception is our continued emphasis of a Newtonian materialistic world, which by definition emphasizes the primacy of matter and somewhat ignores or minimizes the influence of the immaterial part of the universe.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The 'secret of life' is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering techniques to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    The Universe is one indivisible, dynamic whole in which energy and matter are so deeply entangled it is impossible to consider them as independent elements.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the garden and not destroy it.

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulate growth processes

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    Bruce H. Lipton

    We are conscious co-creators in the evolution of life. We have free will. And we have choices. Consequently our success is based on our choices, which are, in turn, totally dependent on our awareness.