Best 19 quotes of Stephanie Mcmahon on MyQuotes

Stephanie Mcmahon

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    A lot of brands just push messages out on social media, but that's not what social is about.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    But in a game, you have a pocket forming, your vision is better and - at least for me - I just get a better feel for what I'm doing.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    I kicked a boy in the shins in second grade for making fun of my father.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    I think anybody has, regardless of your gender, we all have equal value if you have value to bring and value to provide, you just have to be willing to use your voice.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    It's taboo for me to date wrestlers [on her father's opinion of her dating wrestlers].

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    I was not allowed to date wrestlers, or anyone else in the company, across the board.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    My father has this expression that you have to be able to look yourself in the eyes in the mirror, you know, and know that you're a good person. If that's true and you feel good about yourself then that's all that matters no matter what other people's perceptions are.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    Now my mom designs to resign so she runs for US senate, and now at 67 my mom just launched a new company called Women's Leadership Live, she is the cofounder and CEO, and it's all about empowering women to be successful in business however they define success. When you have a role model like that you really don't ever look at gender as an issue and it's about owning your place and taking charge of your role, regardless of what you look like.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    Oh, I don't know about that, Jericho. See, when it comes to the bedroom, The Game always came up a little bit... short.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    Social is about engaging, it's about a conversation, it's about listening and then responding, it's an ongoing conversation with our fan base.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    The number one quality is charisma. You have to be able to connect with the audience. That is that magic "it" factor that designates a star from someone who is just never going to be a star.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    There are several key pieces to keeping audiences engaged, and the evolution of that. One is a content-first strategy because you need to provide the best possible product, no matter what your brand is, it's got to be a great, incredible product first.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    There are several key pieces to keeping audiences engaged, and the evolution of that. One of them, mostly importantly really, is to have a brand that has purpose and value.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    There's only room for one dominant female in the McMahon family... and that's me!

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    These people want you to quit just like CM Punk did.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    UFC is not a competitor to the WWE because we are entertainment and UFC is competitive sport. It's very different.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    UFC, they can make a big star but the second that person loses, they lose credibility, and how do you continue to make that star rise?

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    Whether you're a mother or father, or a husband or a son, or a niece or a nephew or uncle, breast cancer doesn't discriminate.

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    Stephanie Mcmahon

    You can't teach charisma. You can draw it out of people if it's there and they haven't quite figured out how to utilize it yet, but it's just one of those things, that's why they call it the "X factor".