By AnonymRalph E. Reed
An Associated Press report by Chicago-based reporter Sharon Cohen in May 1993 examined Christian fundamentalists and concluded that they were prone to 'riots, terrorism - and death.'
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Antireligious bigotry is not confined to the classroom.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Each new lawsuit seeks to expand the size of the 'religion-free zone' in the public square.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Examples of hostility toward religious values and those who hold them abound... This antireligious bigotry is not confined to the classroom.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Freedom of religion has been replaced by freedom from religion.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Gandhi: Ninny of the 20th Century.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
In 1962, the Supreme Court banned organized prayer from public schools. Since then, federal, state, and local courts and officials, including public school administrators, have joined in a nationwide search and destroy mission for student religious practices.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
It's like guerrilla warfare. If you reveal your location, all it does is allow your opponent to improve his artillery bearings. It's better to move quietly, with stealth, under cover of night. You've got two choices: You can wear cammies and shimmy along on your belly, or you can put on a red coat and stand up for everyone to see. It comes down to whether you want to be the British army in the Revolutionary War or the Viet Cong. History tells us which tactic was more effective.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Our culture's tolerance wears thin when religion intrudes on the public discourse... Our schools, courtrooms, and libraries set the tone for the entire society. The message they currently communicate is harsh and unambiguous: religion is offensive and should be kept out of public view.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Our legal and political culture has created a bias in the law that borders on censorship against reading, displaying, or quoting the Bible.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
People of faith find themselves marginalized and ridiculed. In a nation where our coins carry the motto, 'In God We Trust...'
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Religious conservatives still lack a theology of direct political action.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Sometimes the cultures phobia of religion borders on the absurd.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Students are not to read the Bible, jurors are not to hear it, prosecutors cannot quote from it, and teachers are not to display it.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
The establishment clause was transformed from a shield for religion into a cover for the official sanctioning of religious tolerance.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
The Republican party is not a church. It does not promulgate doctrine and then exclude those who fail to share it. But political parties must stand for something, or they will be unable to generate enthusiastic support from the volunteers needed to burn shoe leather and calories winning competitive elections.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
The zealous disdain for religion in American jurisprudence amounts to intolerance. Keith Fournier of the American Center for Law and Justice concludes that 'the ones not being tolerated are religious people who dare make any kind of religious reference or take any kind of religious posture outside the private arena.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
We should resist the temptation to identify our religious convictions with the platform of a party or the platitudes of favored politicians.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
What good is religious liberty if it can only be practiced behind stained-glass windows on Sunday?
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
What our children need more than to learn to read and write and add and subtract is to know Jesus Christ.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
With each passing year, people of faith grow increasingly distressed by the hostility of public institutions toward religious expression. We have witnessed the steady erosion of the time-honored rights of religious Americans - both as individuals and as communities - to practice what they believe in the public square.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
Women's right-to-know laws are supported by the overwhelming majority, not just of men, but of women, and 70% of the American people favor bans on abortion after the 20th week late term abortions.
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By AnonymRalph E. Reed
You have to organize, organize, organize, and build and build, and train and train, so that there is a permanent, vibrant structure of which people can be part.