Best 17 quotes of John Elder Robison on MyQuotes

John Elder Robison

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    John Elder Robison

    And my experience in the music scene had shown me that there were places for places in the world where misfits were welcome.

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    John Elder Robison

    And now I know it is perfectly natural for me not to look at someone when I talk. Those of us with Asperger's are just not comfortable doing it. In fact, I don'treally understand why it's considered normal to stare at someone's eyeballs.

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    John Elder Robison

    Building up a weakness just makes you less disabled. Building a strength can take you to the top of the world.

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    John Elder Robison

    I am sure antidepressants, drugs, and liquor have their place. But so far, that place is in others, not me.

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    John Elder Robison

    I don't really understsand why it's considered normal to stare at someone's eyeballs

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    John Elder Robison

    In the past, when people criticized me for asking unexpected questions, I felt ashamed. Now I realize that normal people are acting in a superficial and often false manner. So rather than let them make me feel bad, I express my annoyance. It's my way of trying to strike a blow for logic and rationality.

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    John Elder Robison

    It does not matter what sixty-six percent of people do in any particular situation. All that matters is what you do.

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    John Elder Robison

    Saying you "have" something implies that it's temporary and undesirable. Asperger's isn't like that. You've been Aspergian as long as you can remember, and you'll be that way all your life. It's a way of being, not a disease.

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    John Elder Robison

    Simply making myself aware of others has remarkably improved my social life. People accept me much faster now that I ignore them less.

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    John Elder Robison

    There are plenty of people in the world whose lives are governed by rote and routine. Such people will never be happy dealing with me, because I don't conform.

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    John Elder Robison

    This is a f***ing mess," I said tactfully.

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    John Elder Robison

    Unlike some older brothers, I never set him on fire, or cut off an arm or leg, or drowned him in the tub.

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    John Elder Robison

    When Martha first met me, I was anxious and jumpy. I was always tapping my foot, rocking, or exhibiting some other behavioral aberration. Of course, now we know that's just normal Aspergian behavior, but back then other people thought it was weird, so of course I did, too. One day, for some reason, she decided to try petting my arm, and I immediately stopped rocking and fidgeting. The result was so dramatic, she never stopped. It didn't take long for me to realize the calming effect, too. I like being petted and scratched. "Can you pet me?" I say when I sit next to her.

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    John Elder Robison

    As I've gotten older, I have taught myself to act "normal." I can do it well enough to fool the average person for a whole evening, maybe longer. But it all falls apart if I hear something that elicits a strong emotional reaction from me that is different from what people expect. In an instant, in their eyes, I turn into the sociopathic killer I was believed to be forty years ago.

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    John Elder Robison

    I tried to show him things, but he didn't seem to study what I showed him. Usually, he just put whatever I handed him in his mouth. He would try to eat anything. I fed him Tabasco sauce and he yelled. Having a little brother helped me learn to relate to other people. Being a little brother, Snort learned to watch what he put in his mouth.

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    John Elder Robison

    They enrolled me in a group for troubled kids. We would meet each week in an old farmhouse owned by the university and talk about our problems getting along. . . . . They didn't teach me to get along, but I did learn that there were plenty of other kids who couldn't get along any better than me. That in itself was encouraging. I realized that I was not the bottom of the barrel. Or if I was, the bottom was roomy because there were a lot of us down there.

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    John Elder Robison

    We do not naturally care about people we don't know... If we tried to feel sorry for every death, our little hearts would explode... I don't have any physical reaction to the news. And there's no reason I should. I don't know them and the news has no effect on my life.