Best 4 quotes of John Butler on MyQuotes

John Butler

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    John Butler

    Art changes people people change the world.

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    John Butler

    In the eighties, I was fortunate to be one of the young art directors that Jerry Roach, creative director at JWT New York, took under his wing. He taught me how to use typography more visually, to push against design norms and not to rely on preconceived notions of what something should look like. I learned that nuance is everything and to agonize over the details. I have Jerry to thank for driving plenty of people crazy over the years!

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    John Butler

    This is one step along the road of moving away from a dollar peg and moving to a floating basket. This implies China will be accumulating dollars at a slower rate.

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    John Butler

    Well you, young man, need to learn about what is much more important than cool. And that is: what is beautiful.