Best 5 quotes of Carlos Drummond De Andrade on MyQuotes

Carlos Drummond De Andrade

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    Carlos Drummond De Andrade

    Be happy for no reason is the most authentic form of happiness

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    Carlos Drummond De Andrade

    Easy is to occupy a place in a telephone book. Difficult is to occupy someone's heart; know that you're really loved.

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    Carlos Drummond De Andrade

    If the afternoon had been blue, there might have been less desire.

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    Carlos Drummond De Andrade

    Always in my love, sudden night. Always in myself, my enemy. And always in my always, the same absence.

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    Carlos Drummond De Andrade

    Casas entre bananeiras mulheres entre laranjeiras pomar amor cantar. Um homem vai devagar. Um cachorro vai devagar. Um burro vai devagar. Devagar... as janelas olham. Eta vida besta, meu Deus.