Best 4 quotes of John Churchill on MyQuotes

John Churchill

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    John Churchill

    For God's Sake be sure you do not risk the cannon.

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    John Churchill

    I have not time to say any more, but to beg you will give my duty to the Queen, and let her know her army has had a glorious victory. MonsieurTallard and two other generals are in my coach, and I am following the rest.

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    John Churchill

    No soldier can fight unless he is properly fed on beef and beer.

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    John Churchill

    Plato used the dialogue format because the exchange of views, the posing and answering of questions, showed that understanding is a living, dynamic process. He distrusted writing because the settled character of the written word makes it look as if truth can be fixed and made to stand still. It is worth remembering that this greatest advocate of the objective reality of truth also believed that our access to that truth was sustained in reasoned discussion.