Best 5 quotes of Paul Nicklen on MyQuotes

Paul Nicklen

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    Paul Nicklen

    Gear is the least important part of the equation. Having a vision and being able to articulate an idea visually are much more important.

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    Paul Nicklen

    Really, what [sea] ice does is it acts like a garden. … Losing that ice is like losing the soil in a garden.

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    Paul Nicklen

    The penguin doesn't know it's cute, and the leopard seal doesn't know it's kind of big and monstrous. This is just the food chain unfolding.

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    Paul Nicklen

    To approach animals in their most natural, native settings. I have to understand the mysteries of their behavior. With careful preparation, I can show the animal in its best light, demonstrating its beauty, strength and intelligence.

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    Paul Nicklen

    When you get in the water with a wild animal, you're essentially giving yourself to that animal because, as humans, we're quite helpless and vulnerable in the water. You're at the seal's mercy. You're at the predator's mercy.