Best 9 quotes of Ed Gass-donnelly on MyQuotes

Ed Gass-donnelly

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    I always loved the idea that a photograph was a memory frozen in time.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    I don't think you can erase memory, you can just bury it, and when we're ready to process old traumas they can reveal themselves in unique ways.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    If there's a great story and great characters, then I can love a film in any genre, though crime thrillers and sci-fi have a particular soft spot in my heart.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    I'm fascinated by the possibilities of human behavior, of how two people raised the same way can end up at such different places.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    I've always been attracted to the idea of ghosts being memories frozen in time, that a psychological haunting can be just as terrifying as a supernatural one.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    I want find to beauty in the world but to do so requires you to acknowledge and confront the darkness.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    Much like photographs, I also love the idea that ghosts are memories frozen in time. We can be haunted by both just as horrifically. One really becomes a metaphor for the other.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    My dad's a prominent theatre director in Toronto, so I grew up in that world, directing and producing theater since I was a teenager. I always loved movies but they seemed too complicated until I got a job as an assistant on a movie-of-the-week and the technical process became demystified, like peeking behind a magician's curtain. Not long after that I switched to movies and never looked back.

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    Ed Gass-donnelly

    My favorites movies are always character driven, it's the human equation that makes horror interesting to me, not the monsters. It's how people handle extreme circumstances.