Best 51 quotes in «fight club quotes» category

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    After fight club you're so relaxed, you just cannot care.

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    As my future crumbled before my eyes, I grasped for the rope. My entire life's struggle was ending here, in plain view of my enemies. How was it possible? Had had I let things come to this?

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    … and the things you used to own, now they own you.

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    Es fácil llorar cuando te das cuenta de que las personas a las que quieres acabarán por rechazarte o morirse.

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    Es lo que ocurre en los casos de insomnio. Todo es muy lejano: la copia de la copia de una copia. No puedes tocar nada y nada puede tocarte. El insomnio te distancia de todo.

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    Essa é sua vida, ela vai acabando a cada minuto.

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    Fighting is the last option but can’t rule it out as an option

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    How could I forget the man who can break uncountable bones just in a few seconds.

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    Any self-defense situation has the potential to quickly become A 'life and death' situation, therefore your practice of martial arts should be undertaken, as if your very life depends on it . . .

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    bizler, tarihin ortanca çocuklarıyız. bir amacımız ya da yerimiz yok, ne büyük savaşı yaşadık ne de büyük buhranı. bizim savaşımız ruhani bir savaş, en büyük buhranımız; hayatlarımız.

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    Chorar é só o que dá para fazer nesta escuridão asfixiante (...) quando você percebe que tudo o que já fez não passa de lixo.

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    Debes tener en cuenta la posibilidad de no caerle bien a Dios. Pudiera ser que Dios nos odiara. No es lo peor que podría ocurrir.

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    Después de haber estado en el club de la lucha, ver partidos de fútbol americano por televisión es como ver películas porno cuando podrías estar follando a lo grande.

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    I asked if Tyler was an artist. Tyler shrugged...What Tyler had created was the shadow of a giant hand. . . he said how at exactly four-thirty the hand was perfect. The giant shadow hand was perfect for one minute, and for one perfect minute Tyler sat in the palm of a perfection he'd created himself. One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.

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    El desastre es una parte natural de mi evolución hacia la tragedia y la disolución

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    I am Jack's broken heart.

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    I'm sorry, but why does Claire know how to take a punch? I'm not sure I like where this is going," Carter said nervously. "Well, last year Jim made us watch Fight Club for like, the ten- thousandth time. And while I’m all for a little shirtless Brad Pitt action, Claire and I decided to take a shot every time Edward Norton talked in third person. By about twenty minutes in, we were trashed. I don't know whose idea it was, but Claire and I started our own fight club in the living room," Liz explained. "It was your idea, Liz. You stood up in front of me, lifted your shirt and said "Punch me in the stomach as hard as you can, fucker.

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    If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose? We are God’s middle children, according to Tyler Durden, with no special place in history and no special attention. Unless we get God’s attention, we have no hope of damnation or redemption. Which is worse, hell or nothing? Only if we’re caught and punished can we be saved. 'Burn the Louvre,' the mechanic says, 'and wipe your ass with the Mona Lisa. This way at least, God would know our names.

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    In the game of life; Sometimes we win, Sometimes we loss, Either ways, we should always keep playing.

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    La gente, cuando cree que te estás muriendo, te presta toda su atención.

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    Is Tyler my bad dream? Or am I Tyler's?

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    La prima regola del Fight Club è che non si parla del Fight Club. La seconda regola del Fight Club è che non si parla del Fight Club. La terza regola del Fight Club è che quando qualcuno dice basta o non reagisce più, anche se sta solo facendo finta, il combattimento è finito. La quarta regola del Fight Club è solo due per ogni combattimento. La quinta regola del Fight Club è un combattimento per volta. La sesta regola del Fight Club è che si combatte senza camicia e senza scarpe. La settima regola del Fight Club è che il combattimento dura per tutto il tempo che stabiliscono i combattenti. L’ottava e ultima regola del Fight Club è che se questa è la vostra prima sera al Fight Club, dovete combattere.

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    La publicidad hace que compren ropas y coches que no necesitan. Generaciones y generaciones han desempeñado trabajos que odiaban para poder comprar cosas que en realidad no necesitan. Nuestra generación no ha vivido una gran guerra ni una gran crisis, pero nosotros sí que estamos librando una gran guerra espiritual. Hemos emprendido una gran revolución contra la cultura. La gran crisis está en nuestras vidas. Sufrimos una crisis espirirual.

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    Liberdade é perder toda a esperança... Você olha para uma estrela e desaparece dentro dela.

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    Lo mejor que nos podría ocurrir, es que nos despidieran. De esa forma dejaríamos de intentar ir tirando y haríamos algo de provecho con nuestras vidas.

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    I just don't want to die without a few scars, I say. It's nothing anymore to have a beautiful stock body. You see those cars that are completely stock cherry, right out of the dealer show room in 1955, I always think, what a waste.

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    Its not until you lose everything that you are free to do anything

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    Los objetos que solías poseer ahora te poseen a ti.

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    No sois un hermoso copo de nieve individual. Estáis hehcos de la misma materia orgánica corrompible que todos los demás, y todos formamos parte del mismo montón de abono

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    O auto-aperfeiçoamento talvez não seja a solução (...) a solução talvez seja a autodestruição.

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    Only two guys to a fight. One fight at a time. They fight without shirts or shoes. The fights go on as long as they have to. Those are the other rules of fight club.

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    Personas que conozco y que solían llevarse pornografía al cuarto de baño, ahora se llevan el catálogo de muebles de IKEA.

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    Pounding that kid, I really wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every endangered panda that wouldn't screw to save its species and every whale or dolphin that gave up and ran itself aground.

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    Se eu pudesse acordar em outro lugar, numa outra época, seria outra pessoa?

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    No somos especiales. Tampoco somos escoia ni basura. Simplemente, somos. Somos y ya está, y lo que pasa, simplemente pasa.

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    no, this wasn't about money. Not everything is about money

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    Nuestra generación no ha vivido una gran guerra ni una gran crisis, pero nosotros sí que estamos libran­do una gran guerra espiritual. Hemos emprendido una gran revolución contra la cultura. La gran crisis está en nuestras vidas. Sufrimos una crisis espiritual.

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    Sabe aquele ditado que diz que a gente destrói quem mais ama? Bom,o inverso também é verdadeiro.

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    Si no sabes lo que quieres, terminas teniendo un montón de cosas que no necesitas.

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    La primera regla del Club de la lucha es: nadie habla sobre el Club de la lucha. La segunda regla del Club de la lucha es: NADIE habla sobre el Club de la lucha. La tercera regla es: la pelea termina cuando uno de los contendientes grita «alto», pierde la vertical o hace una señal. La cuarta regla: sólo dos personas por pelea. La quinta regla: sólo una pelea a la vez. La sexta regla: se pelea sin camisa y sin zapatos. La séptima regla: cada pelea dura lo que tiene que durar. La octava y última regla: si ésta es tu primera noche en el Club de la lucha, entonces tienes que pelear.

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    ... the first step to eternal live is you have to die.

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    The crap and the trash of the world. Post-consumer human butt wipe that no one would ever go to the trouble to recycle.

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    The security guy asked my name address and phone number, and then he asked me what was the difference between a condom and a cockpit.

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    To cope, he and his siblings – older and younger sisters, a younger brother - created a game called Henry Kissinger. Palahniuk remembers that as their parents fought, lots would be drawn to see who would play Kissinger. 'This was the early to mid-70s, when Kissinger was a hero, forging peace in the Middle East,' he explains. 'Whoever became Henry Kissinger would have to go and redirect our parents’ attention or anger to a different crisis.' The child who drew the short straw would severely hurt himself, presenting himself as 'this injured thing' in an effort to diffuse conflict.

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    Um momento é o máximo que se pode esperar da perfeição.

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    Un día estás vivo y arrastrándote por el mundo, y al siguiente te has convertido en un frío fertilizante, en bufé para gusanos. Este es el asombroso milagro de la muerte.

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    Un minuto era suficiente, dijo Tyler; hay que trabajar duro para lograrlo, pero por un minuto de perfección valía la pena el esfuerzo. Lo máximo que podías esperar de la perfección era un instante.

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    Você não entende nada e, depois, simplesmente morre.

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    Somos quines le lavamos la ropa y le hacemos la comida y le servimos la cena. Le hacemos la cama. Cuidamos de usted mientras duerme. Conducimos ambulancias. Le pasamos las llamadas. Somos cocineros y taxistas, y lo sabemos todo de usted. Gestionamos sus pólizas del seguro y los cargos de su tarjeta de crédito. Controlamos cada momento de su vida. Somos los hijos medianos de la historia, educados por la televisión para creer que un día seremos millonarios y estrellas de cine y estrellas de rock, pero no es así. Y acabamos de darnos cuenta. Así que no intente jodernos.

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    The world is going crazy. My boss is dead. My home is gone. My job is gone. And I'm responsible for it all. There's nothing left. I'm overdrawn at the bank. Step over the edge. The police tape flutters between me and oblivion. Step over the edge. What else is there? Step over the edge. There's Marla. Jump over the edge.

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