Best 27 quotes of Nesta Jojoe Erskine on MyQuotes

Nesta Jojoe Erskine

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Being remembered for something doesn’t always require a huge sacrifice. It doesn’t need a bringing- the-sea-to-the-desert kind of effort. It’s about the little things; finding and excelling at your purpose and welcoming the world into the art you create out of your purpose.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Character is the key to becoming what you were meant to be. Without it, good books never get published, beautiful symphonies are never performed. Without character, we never accomplish anything.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Don’t present yourself to people as a blank sheet; they will paint you with their preferred colors, then your life will be in problem. Choose your own colors and paint it the way you want the world to see you. Make it a little brighter so you stand out.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Growth doesn’t happen because we’ve accumulated some number of years. Growth happens when we learn. We mature when we are able to triumph over yesterday’s mistakes. Whatever success we have today is because we dared to fail and learned from it.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Heroes rise and fall; fact of life. You’ll win some and lose some; fact of life. Something will have to kill you eventually; that’s a fact of life. Have you accepted your mishap as a fact of life?

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    I learned that some fears are legitimate. We are scared when we can’t do something. Courage shouldn’t push us to do what we are not skilled at. That’s the gift of fear. It saves us from dying.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    It’s not what you do but the meaning underlying it.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    I win every time I wake up from sleep because having life is a win. You can only win when you are alive. Being alive is an opportunity to try again to win.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Learn to love yourself first. You can’t expect people to love you when the value you place on yourself is half inch tall. To be loved or not is a power you have in your hand. It is when you give that power to people who don’t matter that you begin to suffer.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Our goal is not to strive to become fearless! Our goal is to turn our fears into a flower. A flower that we love and want to smell every now and then. Our ultimate goal is to find what it is that we fear, tame it and make it work for our good.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    People who find the meaning behind their struggle are always the happy ones. They know what it is that their struggle is for. They know their struggle doesn’t stand alone but it is a piece of a whole.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    So today, learn to live consciously. Listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat and how the air feels on your skin and watch life as it happens around you. Worries go away when you live in the NOW.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    The master takes his good enough work to excellence by considering every detail and straightening all that is crooked. Excellence happens when every detail is taken care of.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    The story of Sisyphus is no different from what we have to go through every day of our lives. We wake up, toil during the day, come home eventide and rest only to begin toiling again the next day. The only difference is that we are mere mortals and one day, we will die. Death excuses us from our daily toils unlike Sisyphus who has to toil till eternity.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    The world is a noisy place. Everybody wants to say something. We are forever surrounded by people’s opinions on how to make things work. Everyone wants to give us a piece of themselves through speeches and actions. Everything around us wants our attention. It never stops. Sometimes we get lost in the maze of all the noise we are surrounded by. We forget one thing: Silence! You can only learn when you are silent.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    To be able to enjoy the pleasure of a descend from a mountaintop, something should take you to the top of the mountain in the first place. Your work – the roll of the rock takes you to the mountaintop.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    To be remembered is a simple thing to do. The fact is, people don’t miss others just because they feel like missing them. It’s when your absence leaves a vacuum that people miss you. Unforgettable is about creating your own space—a space that would be left bare in your absence.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Today, these failures don’t mean anything to me. Looking back, they were everything that made me question the essence of my existence. Every one of them was hard for me to take. But what happened afterwards? Life happened, time passed, and their impact lessened. Most importantly, I moved on.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    To know happiness, is to surrender without losing hope. Whatever you are going through is a phase. It’s a fact of life. It comes with the package. The package that made you king. The package that brought you ceaseless joy.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Up until now, I still think of that boy. I still hear the words of his dad echoing in my head as I write this, and now, I’m asking myself, “Why did I fail to follow the path the parent was directing his ward?” The answer makes me very ashamed: “I didn’t know the advice could as well be applicable to me.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    We all can’t paint like Van Gogh. We might not be the ones who found cure for cancer or invented flying shoes but it doesn’t mean we can’t own a spot in the sands of time.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    We all clean a lot of things as we go through life. We clean our clothes and wear them over our unclean hearts. We wash our hands and leave our souls untouched. We pour water on our heads and as it drips down to our feet, it cleans the dirt off our skin. But we leave our thoughts and words out of this cleanliness.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    We might not be the ones to change the world. We might not belong to the few that “put a ding in the universe.” We might not be something the whole world would celebrate. But...In the little corners that we live; in the lives that we’ve played a part in, we should be nothing but unforgettable.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Without meaning, life becomes a tragedy we have to endure till the end.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    You are not a bad person just because you were at fault this once. Grow from your faults and strive to be a better person. Being a good person isn’t a destination, it’s something we pursue all the time. Sometimes, we will fail but it’s alright.

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Your happiness shouldn’t come with victims. It’s possible to split the light. Your candle can light mine. What is happiness if it doesn’t make another smile?

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    Nesta Jojoe Erskine

    Yours might not be a quest for heroism. Yours might be to win a personal victory over a habit. Yours might be a personal battle to gain freedom from fears. A simple win is right