Best 7 quotes of Rodney Smith on MyQuotes

Rodney Smith

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    Rodney Smith

    I'm God's messenger from the gypsy tent. And it's the message that's important, not the messenger.

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    Rodney Smith

    There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Christian. Most people will never read the first four.

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    Rodney Smith

    You save an old man and you save a unit; but save a boy, and you save a multiplication table.

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    Rodney Smith

    Mindful walking reinforces the sense of "me" walking "with" awareness. An exercise more aligned with wise view would be to walk within awareness, allowing awareness the full and true embrace of the person, with the person no longer in control of awareness.

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    Rodney Smith

    Since spirituality must be the noblest undertaking of all, we force it to be the most difficult challenge imaginable, when actually it is extraordinarily simple.

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    Rodney Smith

    The fundamental principal when traversing a spiritual path is that we do not have a mind. The mind has created the sense of you and me from the way it perceives reality. The truth is, the mind holds us within it. We are not the possessor of a mind and the mind is not something happening to us as if we were outside looking in. We are a part of the mental processing of the mind. The thoughts of the mind and the sense of 'I' are not two separate events. We exist only because the mind thinks us into creation.

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    Rodney Smith

    When I was younger, I followed the example of an experiment, once performed by Krishnamurti and placed a rock that held no special significance on my mantel and bowed to it each day. I did this deliberately to see whether I could infuse a unique quality into something completely ordinary, simply by incorporating the rock within a morning ritual. At the end of a month, the rock held a special, holy place in my perception.