Best 4 quotes of Keiko Nobumoto on MyQuotes

Keiko Nobumoto

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    Keiko Nobumoto

    The world where you would go hand in hand with the flower maiden has neither perfect happiness nor joy nor life. This is because it also does not contain perfect sadness nor misery nor death. What lies in waiting is a paradise for wolves alone, the unclean humans are no more...come with me Cheza, it is time.

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    Keiko Nobumoto

    Why? Why do humans always look to the sky? Why do you try so hard to fly when you don't have any wings? We'll run on our own legs.

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    Keiko Nobumoto

    Spike Spiegel: Hey, Jet, did you know that there are three things that I hate? Jet Black: Whatever... Spike Spiegel: Kids... animals... and women with atitude. Jet Black: Oh? Spike Spiegel: So why do we have all three neatly gathered on our ship!

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    Keiko Nobumoto

    There was once a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, and lived a million lives, and in those lives, various people owned him. None of those people he cared for. This cat was not afraid of death. One life, the cat became a stray cat, which meant it was free. And it met a white female cat. They became mates, and lived together. Time passed, the white cat passed away of old age. And the tiger- striped cat cried a million times. Eventually, the cat died again. But this time, it didn't come back to life.