Best 5 quotes of Christophe Agou on MyQuotes

Christophe Agou

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    Christophe Agou

    Looking and seeing are two different things. What matters is the relationship with the subject.

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    Christophe Agou

    The distance between yourself and others should not be greater than your arm’s length.

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    Christophe Agou

    When I use the camera, I often feel likeI know part of the people or places I come in contact with.

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    Christophe Agou

    Whether it is photography, assemblage art or filmmaking, my work is to see beneath the surface.

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    Christophe Agou

    With every glance I take in the 'negative-positive' of existence and the inevitability of impermanence to its glowing limits. Alone and haunted, I trust my inner eye, the heart. Everything, absolutely everything, becomes visible. Appearances, disappearances, nothing seems of secondary importance to me.