Best 5 quotes of Lionel Johnson on MyQuotes

Lionel Johnson

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    Lionel Johnson

    Sombre and rich, the skies; Great glooms, and starry plains. Gently the night wind sighs; Else a vast silence reigns.

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    Lionel Johnson

    Yeats, you need ten years in the library, but I have need of ten years in the wilderness.

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    Lionel Johnson

    Yet, when the city sleeps; When all the cries are still: The stars and heavenly deeps Work out a perfect will.

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    Lionel Johnson

    Come! our world is done: For all the witchery of the world is fled, And lost all wanton wisdom long since won.

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    Lionel Johnson

    Mine is the sultry sunset when the skies Tremble with strange, intolerable thunder: And at the dead of an hushed night, these eyes Draw down the soaring oracles winged with wonder