Best 7 quotes of Clive Dev on MyQuotes

Clive Dev

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    Clive Dev

    A broken vessel can be glued together... But the Scars will remain

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    Clive Dev

    Blind eyes see the color of life through the black screen Blinded eyes see the black in life through a colored screen

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    Clive Dev

    Human brains are supernatural; only to destroy the universe

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    Clive Dev

    Humans hide behind beautiful clothes; to disguise the stains of their hearts

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    Clive Dev

    I am your means to gain anything in this world; You can even delay your death by a day but, You cannot buy me because, I rule this world

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    Clive Dev

    It is only Blood, when it flows in your veins; When you shed it, you create history

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    Clive Dev

    You are a seed on this earth; Whether to Flourish or to Perish, is in the hands of the seed