By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Anger, jealousy, unbelief, discontent, fear and envy, are within your reach of thoughts and feelings. All of that is under your control and not the will of others. That is why people always want to be understood, tolerated by others but it is difficult to do the opposite
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Bukan aku yang menentukan keberadaanku, melainkan kebenaran yang ada di luar diriku. Aku berasal darinya dan bukan sebaliknya. Dialah yang menyatakan dirinya di dalam keberadaanku. Baginya, aku hanyalah sekadar obyek dari keberadaan.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Descartes said, "Cogito, ergo sum." I think, therefore I am. So I said, "I exist because will of the truth." Without that truth I have no meaning. I have no right to exist.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Doubt will not bring people anywhere. Those who succeed are those who make decisions and dare to take risks.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Do you know why people who are ignorant and stubborn do not understand the meaning of liberating love? That's because they do not understand the meaning of sorry and forgiveness.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Enjoying life does not have to do extraordinary things by spending a lot of money. Spending a quality time together with our loved ones is the best way to enjoy life.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Everyone needs attention, but we can not expect people to do it by command or by request. Attention is a pure manifestation of sensitivity, concern, empathy and also compassion.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Forgiveness is worth double, because it's giving instead of requesting.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
For some people to apologize may be enough, but not to me. For me, just apologizing is not enough until they really change.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
How do we want to understand goodness if we do not know the bad and the evil? Perhaps therein lies the mystery of human existence. How the Truth is about to reveal itself, so that people think, that to find the truth people must test the true quality of goodness. Because, only from the goodness, we will find the trully truth.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
human life is always surrounded by mud of doubt and uncertainty, but it is the thing that keeps us alive
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Humans will no longer see what appears, aging and wrinkled skin. In the end we will only see with the heart, all go towards to the eternity
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
I even want to deny that what is implied by a piece of reason in human free will have no meaning other than freedom itself. Freedom to think. Freedom to determine their own destiny.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
If there is still a doubt about the truth behind the existence of human being, then the answer to that doubt is the fact that humans are not in control of their own destiny.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
In life, I believe there are no coincidences. Everything happens for one reason or more. Everyone headed for their respective destiny. On what they choose. On what they do. Often not what they want. That's motive what moves us to discover the essence of life. To find the trully truth. The truth that moves life.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
My biggest mistake is that I consider myself as the subject. The fact is, I am only an object of existence. My limitations hinder my view. My ignorance keeps me away from the truth.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Nothing lasts forever, including love. And therefore it must be renewed from time to time in order to become firm and stronger, so as not to become bland.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
Unfinished Poem If only you allow me to take the colors of the dusk that bounce off your clear eyes. If only you could allow me to build a rain house in your dreams. Are you still waiting for me to say hello to an old time, my Dear? Time is somehow never meet us. Cracked rock and fragile flower petals that begin to wither. Even though I once wanted to pick the moon to decorate your dress. Promises that just pull over in the corner of our heart. Promises that have never been said through our mouth. Because the glint of your eyes is already painful and my tongue suddenly unable to find words. Words that I've always been intended as a poem from the first beginning.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
We often do not believe in what we feel and therefore we ask for evidence from others that what we feel is right. We never even truly believe that true love exists and their eyes never turn away from our face.
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By AnonymTiton Rahmawan
You are wrong if you consider success as a goal, because there is no definite benchmark for success. The process that we have to go through is what counts. How we are able to overcome all obstacles and steep winding roads.