Best 34 quotes of Preeth Nambiar on MyQuotes

Preeth Nambiar

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Ample figure, dazzling splendour to rest under the bed of soil; blooming dreams and withering numb; pangs of hunger, hitches of joy; dreadful pain, loudest laughter, piteous silence that echoes deep – were they all mere delusion? Yet, I wonder if they were real at least until I close these eyes! O dear! Did your own self deceive you?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Everything was for this moment- of silence, of bliss! I am speechless at this shrine of You and I understand that life was just a journey to find You, the deepest consciousness living in even the dead!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Give me all your pain, I will give you all my love!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Hail O mighty, fathomless sleep, come on and hug me tight and sweet; when I whisper those deepest pains, onto your ears mute and keen, sing for me the sweetest song that would sound the profoundest of life! Leave me upon your rocking arms, watched by spirits of placid nights! Goodnight, world, sweet dreams folks, blessed are those who would sleep at peace!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Hold my hands, O Lord, for the world is so crowded, If I lose myself, whom else would I condemn?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    How long will you carry this burden - the fame you earned by frivolous alms? Give it to him who owns the whole, the Lord of earth and the skies above.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    I am smiling, for my trust for my Lord is above all uncertainties of the universe.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    I chased my prey…there was blood oozing out from the pain of the weaker… my incisors tasted the deliciousness of flesh! Lying down under the shade of age-old tree I knew- you are nothing but the contentment of the deliciousness - the very meaning of mortal life! It was when I myself became the prey of hunger, seeing my own flesh bleeding from the mouth of my successor, I knew, you were more than that what I knew in my senses, my hunger!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    I don’t want to wake up to a beautiful morning, nor I would seek my destiny in sunlit paths. The secret of life is the darkness of it, a void that would pull you deep to where you disappear into your truest self. Alas O world, little you have for an earnest heart that sings the beauty of vibrant life.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    If the chanting in temple would help inner peace, if the preaching in a mosque would address humanity and the choirs in a church would sing songs of universal love, I am not against religions!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    In the darkness of the night while removing the long colourful gown that covers my nakedness, there is chill penetrating bare cells and the sky is as silent as ever. Another day has withered unto the lap of mighty earth, to make her heart fertile, to feed those lives sprouting and then again to raise up to the skies to kiss life! This home is not yours, nor this earth! A breeze that caresses the orphan longings of the senses, like that of the softest music – so is life, a passing breeze! All I own is this moment! O night, do you see stars blinking hidden amidst the darkest clouds? O life, can you inhale the fragrance of unborn flowers dancing wet in the rain? O life, do you hear a song from the farthest skies, a secret melody of silence that I cherish deep within?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    In the silence, while awaiting the distant footsteps of death he heard someone weeping! O God, was that you?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    It is raining, perhaps clouds voiding their deepest longings! Upon the streams I have drove those paper boats to the farthest. Listening to the lonely drops of rain I am trying in vain to sing melodious, Alas the voice ends deep within! Were you the song within? O my dear, but I know you are silence that sings wordless, a melody hummed nameless!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    It's all about inner silence! Everything else would just take you there!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    I will look at you in the darkness of the night, where there are no colours to fill my eyes and where there are no frames that would define your shape. In the silence, I will seek the warmth of the night in your memories and sleep holding tight those orphan dreams. O dear, amidst the cloudy skies, where did you disappear?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Love has a meaning beyond all that we see and experience. To reach a stage where we realise this and do not expect anything for our love, we will need to undergo a number of experiences that will purify ourselves into the highest level where we find love inside everything we see and in anything we do. We are the embodiment of love, the very essence of universal love.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    My Lord, I am but few moments of the continuity of universal life, and I understand I am nothing other than that - a part of cosmic sacrifice!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Never leave anything unsaid, for you are not sure of tomorrow!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Oh world, hear this, the streams of love ends in the salty ocean! My Lord, I wish to rise from this salt!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Our lives are written by the divine hands of Him we are merely actors destined to complete the roles in the cosmic play. All that would make difference would be how well will you act!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Seek me not in your richness, O dear, search not amidst the words talkative. Find me in the moments of loneliness, in the silence of your mighty soul. Within the void of intimate being this is me, the majestic blue - the cessation of all; and here your are in the celestial path.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Seek O mortal, the meaning of life in your innermost silence!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Such is the joy of concluding a day performing duties earnestly leaving ends upon His feet! I have nothing to gain here except virtues, nothing to lose except love, O Lord, I am here to breathe the beauty of life!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Surprised to see a bird right upon the window, that too at a definite time of the morning hour regularly. To make sure I am still here to welcome another morning or to wish me a good morning, but she doesn’t fail to bring a smile upon this quivering lips. Nevertheless, little things bring the greatest joys for whom every moment is life.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    The melancholic breeze of another morning caressing senses tired of a brief life, yet longing for more. But my Lord, who knows the moments next, who sees the path ahead, who decides a life as delicate as a dew drop upon the tip of a grass that sways looking at the beauty of the skies?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    This home is not yours, nor this earth! A breeze that caresses the orphan longings of the senses, like that of the softest music – so is life, a passing breeze! All I own is this moment! O night, do you see stars blinking hidden amidst the darkest clouds? O life, can you inhale the fragrance of unborn flowers dancing wet in the rain?

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Wake up O dear, Into the glory of another morn, The night has ended, darkness has shredded. Bathed in the delight of heavenly shower, The earth is decked by sparkling dews. Fly high upon the celestial spheres, for The skies are clear, horizons boundless Devoid of the clouds of deadly grief. March ahead O dearest life, Towards the road that appears endless Follow the paces of invisible time - Until its dusk, yet another night!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    When I closed my ears with my palms, I could hear the roaring of the ocean and closing my eyes I could see the majestic colours of the earth. Beyond the distant horizons of the skies, there was void into which I offered myself and vanished eternally! O dear, come to me, I will whisper the profoundest secret of the universe – it is emptiness!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    When I die, bury me with a few garden tools, I shall make a garden in the heaven too.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    When you have trust in the supreme and live with purity of heart, nature herself would express through myriad forms all around you and I am sure the same will take you where you ought to be.

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Within a raindrop there must be a heart- a heart that weeps the pain of longing. Look at her embracing her beloved and disappearing unto his yearning, but once again to set journey to the skies! O dear, so is our union, a short while in the beautiful home named earth; but we shall continue, until the last drop water drains into the earth and there are no more rays of sun kissing these tender leaves of green! And at last when the terrain shatters onto the Milky Way as tiny particles, O dear, remember, we will embrace once again to make a planet, a planet of love!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Within my palm there is a world, a world as delicate as a bubble!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Within this raindrop there must be a heart- a heart that weeps the pain of longing. I have her in my palm where the silvery rays of the morn reflect the beauty of the whole cosmos and I kiss her with all my yearning!

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    Preeth Nambiar

    Yet, the most wonderful in my heart remains unsaid and it will remain so forever!