Best 13 quotes of Shannon Tanner on MyQuotes

Shannon Tanner

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    Shannon Tanner

    A mind cluttered with past thoughts, old conversations and unhealed wounds can only serve to drag us down and compromise our ability to live free.

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    Shannon Tanner

    Immature people want quick fixes; they are the all or nothing thinkers. Evolving adults know that lasting change means being committed to the small daily steps over the long-term, deliberate journey.

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    Shannon Tanner

    It's not about changing "them," it's about healing YOU.

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    Shannon Tanner

    Merely wanting something is disempowering. Being committed to change your personal life and circumstances is empowering.

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    Shannon Tanner

    Only when we find the courage to explore our fears will we have the power to wholeheartedly embrace love.

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    Shannon Tanner

    Our deepest need as human beings absolutely centers around our need for genuine love and meaningful connection. Jobs we can quit, houses we can sell, cities we can move away from, but it is our most intimate relationships that penetrate our hearts, our souls, and our minds like nothing else in this world.

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    Shannon Tanner

    Self-forgiveness is a daily practice of the humble, strong and mentally sane. It is an intentional preservation of inner-peace and a reflection of a healthy self-concept.

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    Shannon Tanner

    Surrender is when we come to the end of our struggle with ourselves and God can begin. Surrender is acknowledging that we need Divine Intervention; we don’t know it all, we do not see what God sees. When we give ourselves the first 15 minutes of the first hour of the day, to pray, meditate, read, journal, reflect, silently inquire after God, we set the tone for clear thinking throughout our day. - SHANNON TANNER

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    Shannon Tanner

    Surrender is when we stop toiling and striving and we begin receiving and arriving. Nothing is more beautiful to experience than the inner rest that follows surrender.

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    Shannon Tanner

    We are all creative, from the mother adding an extra pinch of garlic to her meal, to the entrepreneur launching a brand new product, to the business consultant who creates a more effective way for corporate departments to communicate. The call requires creativity.

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    Shannon Tanner

    When identity is based on outward titles, material possessions, academic achievements or even relationship status, we place ourselves in a very fragile state. Until we are simply “enough” because of who we are “being” and not because of what we are “doing,” our self-esteem and worth will continue to be “tossed to and fro,” as our outer conditions are subject to change.

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    Shannon Tanner

    When we are driven by ego and a relentless need to succeed, it’s easy to blindly neglect the relationships, self-care and truth that will create joy and authentic fulfillment in our lives.

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    Shannon Tanner

    When you TRULY accept yourself, everyone else will do the same. Relationships "mirror" what we believe about ourselves.